Chapter 24

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Shawn's Apartment

Shawn's Apartment

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I lazily lifted my head off the couch. Boy what a night we'd had and I wouldn't doubt that every one of us gotten a little toasty from the two empty bottles of wine still sitting in the table. Gil and I had crashed on the couch while
Rebbie and Janet took the bed.

There was a snort and I looked over at Gil and laughed. He was laying halfway out of his unzipped sleeping bag in nothing but a pair of extremely tight neon orange boxers. I shook my head.

"The gayest person I know, hands down." I sat up on my side of the couch, careful not to wake him. Rubbing my eyes for a moment, I woke up a bit more and decided to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen.

It was completely dark, all but moonlight peeking through the windows. Janet was standing in the window, quietly gazing out.
I glanced at the clock on the stove top. It was nearly four in the morning. She was deep in her thoughts and didn't noticed me standing right next to her.

"Are you okay J?" I asked, not wanting to startle her. She turned and looked at me, tears began to stream down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight as I caressed her back. She was trembling. "Baby talk to me, whats wrong sweetheart?"

She just didn't respond, but I felt her lips against the side of my neck, then my cheek and then she just gazed at me.

"I need you." She said and grabbed my hand. Her eyes never left mine as she pushed my hand past the waist band of her sweats and then in side of her. Her lips parted and she moaned quietly.

Janet was so wet. The excitement flowing from her was slippery and silky to the touch. She pushed her sweats off and kicked them to the side. I took her by the waist and sat her on the counter top. She spread her legs wide for me and looked down at her glistening sex.

I knew exactly what she wanted and dropped to my knees. With in seconds my face was covered in the evidence of her pleasure. Janet wrapped her legs around my neck, watching me enjoy her as she did her best to stay quiet.

She came, gritting her teeth as she gushed into my mouth. I licked my lips and stood up, but she wanted more. She grabbed my hand again and pushed my fingers inside of her. My god it felt so good to have her completely wrapped around my fingers.

"Please make me cum baby... oh I need it so bad." She whispered against my ear. She let out a small cry as her tears began to wet my face. "Fuck don't stop Shawn please." She was costing my finger as she rocked her hips and let her head fall forward against my shoulder. She moaned into my neck as she came again.

I just held her for a moment. I could've stayed just like this forever but she suddenly pulled away. She slid off the counter forcing me to give her space. She could barely look at me and went to retrieve her sweat pants.

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