Chapter 26

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My alarm started to go off after snoozing it again. I covered my face with a pillow and grunted. Today was not a day I was looking forward to. Foot steps approached my bedroom and I smiled seeing her face.

"That would be snooze number 5. You can't avoid her forever Shawnette, she is your boss after all." Amelia said holding a bowl of fresh fruit. She put it on the end table next to me and sat down on the bed. She leaned in to kiss me and squealed as I pulled her down on top of me.

She laid down and just gazed at me.

"Can I just have you for breakfast?" I asked

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"Can I just have you for breakfast?" I asked.

Amelia smiled. "You'd ruin that appetite of yours trying to eat something this sweet." She said sending chills through me. I rolled her over and showered her with kisses all over. "You're stalling." She said. "There is nothing to worry about. You're gonna go in there and you're gonna kill it today."

"I know." I said. "I don't know why I'm tripping so hard about this."

"Exactly, now get up! You shouldn't be late to your first day back."

She was right but nothing could soothe my nerves about seeing Janet for the first time in weeks. In fact I had shut everyone out. Gil had been cursing me faithfully through text and voicemails for weeks. Even Preston came by a few times but I pretended to not be home.

I was in a really bad place. Janet called and texted me everyday. I wouldn't respond and she just stopped trying. I'm so angry and hurt. I just needed some time to think.

As for Amelia, we just ran into each other accidentally. A few weeks ago I decided to finally get out of the house and go for a cup of coffee. I was at the counter placing my order when she tapped me on the shoulder from behind. It was really good to see her. We talked until the coffee shop closed that day. Everyday since then, we have been spending time together. It's been pretty amazing having her around.

We finished getting dressed and Amelia caught my attention as she walked past me to retrieve her purse. I pulled her to me.

"When can I see you again?"

"I should be asking you that." She said and smiled.

"We have lunch about 3 hours into rehearsals. Can I FaceTime you? We can talk later plans ?"

"I would love that."

I walked her to her car, and then headed for my own. Pending traffic, I still had get there on time.I took a deep breath and pulled out onto the street.

The Studio

The Studio

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