Chapter 40

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Gil wiped the sweat from his face with his shirt as he walked over a took and seat next to me. He smiled and laid his head against my shoulder. I looked around the room at the new dancers. They looked so ready, so excited and eager to work.

After working on the album for a few months it was finally completed and released. I felt so confident and like I was on top of the world. After doing some promoting, it was time to prepare to tour again. I needed someone to help me put it together as co-creator and artistic director.

Tina was working on a project of her own and suggested Shawn. She'd been taking the lead in rehearsals and was given the responsibility of helping choose the dancers for the tour. I was very impressed with the line up of new kids.

I knew Shawn was the best person for the job. I'd picked up my phone so many times to call her and say that I was sorry but my pride wouldn't let it happen and before I new it too much time had passed. I just wish that I wouldn't have been so stubborn that night.

I'd run away without even letting her explain and I regretted it every single day and at this point, missing her was a bit of an understatement.

I glanced at Gil. He raised his head, looked at me. I couldn't stop watching Shawn from across the room. I only hoped my face didn't express what my heart was feeling after seeing her for the first time in months.

"Have you asked her yet?" Gil asked.

"Not yet," I said and glanced at him. "What if she says no. She must be so angry with me. I just kind of ghosted her."

"She's not angry with you. She still loves you and that's why you need to just talk to her. She'd  never turn down this job and you know that."

"I just don't know where she is right now, you know. I've been doing okay just focusing on me. Maybe she's been doing better with out me."

"Dunk don't start this again. Don't you miss her?"

"Every fucking day." My eyes drifted closed. "I miss her breath against my skin. The way the hairs stand on the back of my neck when she says my name." I looked at him. "No one has ever touched me the way she does. And her love for me... it blows my mind." I paused for a moment and looked over at her again. "Most of all, I miss our friendship. Sometimes I wonder if us being together has ruined us as friends." As I rambled on and on, Gil was looking down at his phone texting. "I never really gave myself time to just be with me for a while. Maybe if I would've done that from the start, things with Shawn and I would be different right now..." I glanced back at him. "Are you listening to me?" I asked.

"Mmhmm," He said and nodded.

We both glanced up as Shawn approached us. I stood to my feet and braced myself not knowing what to expect.  She looked at us and smiled.

"Long time no see pretty girl, how you been?"

"I been great daddy and yourself?" Gil answered blushing.

Shawn laughed. "I was referring to J." She said turning her eyes to me.

It took me a moment but I finally found my words. I nodded, "Good, I've been real good. How about you?"

"I've been okay, just trying to keep busy. I've been teaching a little and T asked me to lead the auditions for her, which was amazing and so much fun. Thank you for trusting me with it boo."

"Of course! I thought it was a great idea and the kids you brought in are absolutely incredible, so thank you." I said. We were quiet for a moment.

"Well anyway," She said. " Gil text me and said that you wanted to ask me something."

"Did he?" I asked and glanced back at him. His back was to us as he tried to sneak away. I stuck my foot out and tripped him. Everyone started to laugh. He smacked my butt and ran off to join the others, giving Shawn and I a moment alone.

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