Chapter 43

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Janet pulled the T- shirt over her head and I reached for her again. She shoved me back into the counter behind me, harder this time.

I grabbed her forcefully, turned her back around and bent her over again. She squirmed beneath me as I pulled at her panties until I could hear them ripping and then I let them fall to the floor.

I began to drag my nails along her spine, over her ass and then gave it a hard smack. With her head against the counter top, Janet cried out as I punished her a few more times causing her ass to turn a light shade of pink.

"Is this what you want?" I asked, bringing my teeth to her flesh and biting her ass hard. She hissed and squirmed, then turned around to face me. She hopped onto the counter, grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me to her.

We took turns pulling off my wet clothes until we were skin to skin. I spread her legs wider, pushing my hips forward as she wrapped her legs around my waist. The counter was covered with her wetness and I wanted nothing more than to swim in it.

My hand found her center and pushed into her, feeling her silky warmth. She was so wet. I moaned loudly and she bit into my shoulder as  I started to fuck her slowly. She moved her hips against the cool surface of the counter and as I took her faster and just as she thought she might come, I picked her up, carried her over to my plush rug by the fire place and laid her down.

Her body was shaking as she spread her legs wide and forced my fingers back inside of her. Her back was arched for me as her body moved in waves. Her eyes were shut tight. Her mouth was opened as she called out my name.

"I'm getting closer." She cried and flipped me onto my back. She straddled my face, putting her fountain in my mouth as she continued to rock faster and faster. I grabbed her hips holding her still as I swirled my tongue around her clit.

My face was covered with her wetness. She grabbed my hair with both hands and looked down at me. "I'm gonna cum baby." she said in a whisperand just as her eyes drifted closed she began to cry out as her orgasm flowed out of her and right into my mouth.

She stood up and turned, lowing herself back down to my mouth. Janet let her self fall forward and wasted no time burying her face between my legs as I continued to make a bigger mess between hers.

My hands caressed her back as I lifted my hips to meet every stoke
of her tongue.

"God Janet don't stop baby." I said with a full mouth of her. She began to rock her hips faster and I knew she'd come again. I wanted to come with her. "Oh make me cum baby." I begged, moaning louder as I sucked her sweet pearl into my mouth.

Our bodies trembled against each other and I felt her fingers slide into me, deep. She moved then and out of me in such a motion that I began to cry out. I couldn't hold back any more and with a hard jerk, I cried out and my cum gushed out of me. She sat up and threw her head back she began to cum too. I held her hips as she screamed out into the air.

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