Chapter 30

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The car ride with Gil was quiet for the first time ever. I glanced at him occasionally but he just kept his eyes forward and focused on the road.

"I feel like this is my fault Gil." I said breaking the silence finally.

"What happened last night?" He said, glancing at me briefly.

"I saw him, in the crowd. He was wasted Gil." I said. "We exchanged some words back and forth and I lost my temper." I let my head fall into my hands.

"Don't be to hard on yourself. You can't take all the blame for this, but you know that everything we do reflects her. Now she has to figure out how to explain this." He said as we pulled into Janet's driveway.

We knocked and rang the door bell many times with no answer. Gil walked around back and to the front again. He threw his hands up.

"I'm getting really worried Shawn?" He said beginning to get himself worked up.

"Babe, please be calm." I said. "Think harder, where else could she go?" I watched as he paced back and forth for a second.

"Oh!" He said snapping his fingers. "The beach house! It's the only other place I can think of. "Tish is staying there. Janet could be there with her."

"It's worth a try." I said.

Another hour and a half in traffic and making a detour off-road, I could see the beach house in the distance.

Another hour and a half in traffic and making a detour off-road, I could see the beach house in the distance

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It had been along time since I had been there. We had a lot of crazy memories in that house. Right after the Janet Tour came to an end, Janet decided that she and Rene needed a new start. She originally planned to sell the home, but when Tish decided to quit dancing and finish school, Janet kept it and let her stay. She also paid for her college education, in full.

"That's Tish's Jeep right there." Gil said and parked beside it. We got out and walked around to the front of the house. The quiet was eerie. The only sounds that could be heard was from the ocean.

 The only sounds that could be heard was from the ocean

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