Chapter 18

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I woke up in a cold sweat, checking the bed beside me to make sure Janet was still there. It's been a week and I keep having these nightmares. Janet shifted and sat up.

"Shawn? Are you okay?" She asked wiping to sweat from my brow.

"I'm good." I replied, holding my chest trying to calm myself. She just looked at me for a moment and noticed that blood was starting to soak through the bandage on my shoulder. Janet glanced at it and got up to retrieve the first aid kit.

"It's from your heart beating so fast." She said as she carefully removed the bandages. "Do you want to talk about it? It might help."

I got lost in my thoughts for a moment. "It's been the same dream every night. I get to your house but I'm alone. It's dark in the whole neighborhood except your bedroom light and see his shadow against the curtains. That's when I hear you scream."

I stood up and paced back and forth, hand to my chest, seeing my dream right before my eyes. I continued. "The door is locked. I kick it over and over until it's unhinged and I run in and right up there stairs." Tears started to fall. "I can hear you screaming my name, begging me to come help you. But the hallway seemed to never end.

"Once I finally make it to you he sees me first

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"Once I finally make it to you he sees me first. He smiles, points the gun at you and..."

"I couldn't save you

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"I couldn't save you." I said covering my face as tears streamed down my cheeks. Janet walked over to me and touched my face.

"But you did save me. You're one of the reasons that I am still here Shawn." She kissed me and pulled me into an embrace. I buried my face in her neck, taking in her sweet scent as she caressed my head. I could feel the blood running down my shoulder. She noticed as well.

"Come sit. Let me finish cleaning you up." I sat down as she kneeled beside me. She was so attentive. I just watched her. She had bruises on both cheeks and the cut on her lip was starting to scab but she was still breathtaking. Janet glanced up at me and smiled. "All done."

"Thank you J." I helped her up and pulled her into my lap. Her arms found their way around my shoulders and she played in hair.

"Shawn we haven't really talked about what happened and why I ended back home with him."

"Baby you don't have to explain yourself."

"But I do because it's not what you think. He was here Shawn, in your apartment that night. You had fallen asleep and I got up to make a phone call. He was standing in the living room waiting for me. He said he would kill you, standing right here." She pointed, "He held the gun to your head. I thought he was going to shoot you. So I said I would go with him. I just didn't want you to get hurt and I feel like you did anyway. It's my fault."

I touched her face with both hands. "You saved my life Janet. You put yourself in harms way for me. I don't regret what I did and if I would have died that night, it would've been because I love you. I would jump in front of a million bullets just to save you."


I found myself feeling very fortunate to have her. What had I done to deserve the love that she is giving me? That's what I asked myself asking over and over. No one has every looked at me the way she does.

"I love you Shawnette." I heard myself say.

"I have always loved you J." I stood up, straddle her waist and kissed her as she leaned back against the bed. I tugged at her at shirt and pulled it off. My gown soon joined it. I touched her stomach with my first tips , leaning forward to kiss her brown skin. Kissing around her breast, I made sure to avoid nipple until her eyes met mine and she watched as my lips surrounded them one by one as sucked gently and swirled my tongue around them. A quiet moan escaped and I could feel her hands against my back and in my hair.

"Your lips are so soft J." She said as I began to kiss neck and tracing her lips with the tips of my fingers. "No one feels like you do."

Between her legs, my fingers were coated with her silky essence. She gasped at the contact and I brought my lips to her ear. "You're so wet for me Shawn." I licked her ear lobe and sucked it, letting her feel my warm breath against her ear just for a second longer. Shawn opened her legs wider for me. I circled my fingers around her clit and could feel it throbbing against my touch. Her breath trembled as she rocked her hips gently, lifting them just slightly up and down on the bed.

"God Janet, you make me feel so good." Her eyes we closed now. She let her head fall to once side giving me the opportunity to taste her skin again and I did, leaving a nice bruise marking my territory.

"Say you're mine Shawnette." I said moaning against her skin. "Say you belong to me baby."

"I'm yours J, Ohh baby I belong to you."

"Only me." I said continuing to swirl my thumb around her clit as I pushed my fingers into her.

"No one else baby, no one else eeeeever oh my god, only you Janet." She rocked her hips faster against my fingers. I could feel her tightening around them, feeling her blood thumping through steaming center. I was watching her. Mouth opening and closing, her breast rising and falling, her toned arms flexing as she grabbed and pulled at the bed sheets. Her legs were spread wide and she was completely open to me. Her lips found mine as she began to shake. She grabbed my hand forcing her me into her faster. Her hips elevated as her body tensed.

"Cum for me Shawn, please baby I want it. I need it baby." I said diving into her deeper as her cum began drip from my hand. She cried out loudly, back arched, her nails digging into my back as her orgasm over took her.

She looked at me not saying anything. Just watching. I smiled. "You are so fucking beautiful." I said. She smiled.

"I love you Janet."

"I love you too Shawn."

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