Chapter 17

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Reńe yelled at me the entire ride home. He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me out of the car. I lost my balance, scraping my knees against the concrete. I managed to get to my feet, only to pushed back to the floor once inside the house. He slammed the door.

"Reńe why are you doing this?" I said backing away from him slowly. He didn't say anything, instead he kept walking towards me. I didn't know what to do, until I remember the gash on his leg. It was still stitched up from when he had kicked in the bathroom door. I lifted my foot and kicked as hard as I could with the heel of my shoe. Rene cried out in pain and I could already see the blood starting to stain his pant leg.

"You bitch!" He yelled. I had a head start towards the stairs but he caught me about half way up. Flipping me over, he slapped my face so hard that I could taste blood in my mouth. With all of his weight crushing me, I found it extremely hard to breathe.

"Reńe get off of me please!" I said gasping for air.

"You didn't mind when that dyke was on you." He said forcing my legs apart and ripping my underwear.

"No!" I started to scream. "Reńe please!" I cried. "Please don't do this." A mixture whiskey and cologne took over my senses and felt sick to my stomach.

"I'm rock hard for you baby!" He laughed. I spit the blood from my mouth in his face. He grabbed me by the throat as he started pulling his pants down. I screamed out in pain feeling him enter me. He raped me right there against the stairs. No matter how loud I screamed and cried, he wouldn't stop. Soon I felt him coat my insides as he groaned sweating all over me. I sobbed loudly and finally managed to push him off of me.

I tried to make my way up the stairs, feeling what was left of him running down my thighs. I thought he was done with me but he chased me through the hallways all the way to our room. I got there first and tried to close and lock the door but he was able to wedge his foot in preventing me from closing it. Reńe gave it a strong and hard push sending me flying backwards across the floor and hitting my head against the side of our bed. I closed my eyes and grabbed my head leaving me blind to a kick to the stomach.

He drew his foot back three times knocking wind out of me. I clenched my stomach, crying a ball on the floor. He grabbed me by the arm forcing me to my feet. I was hunched over, and leaned against bed rocking and sobbing. I glanced at him and I didn't recognize him anymore. The man I fell in love with had left a long time ago. He was a fucking monster.

"Don't look at me!" He yelled, causing me to jump at the sudden raise in his voice. I focused my eyes in the door. "You fucking look at me like you're so afraid me. I'll give you something to be afraid of." He said going into his drawer pulling out his gun.

"Reńe I'm your wife." My words trembled out of me, I was shaking.

"Yeah and the girl I fucked last night was a better lay than you." He mocked me.

This was like a seen from a movie. It felt like I was dreaming. All I could think was... "This is how I die. At the hands of my husband. A man that vowed to love and protect me. After everything I have accomplished, all my hard work... this is how it ends." The worst part of all is that I was all alone. This time, no one was coming to save me. That's when I noticed her. Shawn.

She put her finger to her lips and shook her head, mouthing, "I got you baby." I looked back at Reńe. I was literally staring down the barrel of his gun. "Did you ever love me?" I asked him.

"Honestly, I just wanted to fuck you, but you got attached. You had money and could help me make some money, so I said fuck it. Why not." He shrugged taking the gun of me only a second and Shawn reacted. She ran into the room, catching him completely off guard. She hit him in the leg with the bat sending him crashing in the dresser behind him. The gun hit the bed beside me. Gil and Preston ran into the room as well. I couldn't take my eyes of the gun.

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