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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

"I heard the neighboring kingdom is visiting today..."

I looked up from my book, seeing Alexander slip into his leather boots.

"I know that Hamilton..." I rolled my eyes, returning to my books. "I'm one of Washington's knights too."

"Right but you're not his best knight are you?" Hamilton smiled.

I chuckled, not taking my eyes off my book. "Right because that title goes to Lafayette." I raised my eyes, now looking at him. "You, on the other hand, is just some low page of the king."

Hamilton gasped and stormed over to me. "I am not a servant! I have earned the title of the knight the same day that you did!"

I shook my head as I shut my book. "Oh really? Then why doesn't Washington order you to fight? Why does he order you to write letters instead?"


A knock came from the door.

"Are you two serious?" A thick French accent came from the door. "The King called for us ten minutes ago!" Lafayette sighed. "He had me to fetch you two..."

I nodded before I stood up and brushed myself off, trying to look presentable for the King. Alexander grabbed his sword, shoving it into his sheath before walking out behind me and Lafayette. We hastily walked through the castle, arriving in the throne room moments later. All the knights turned our direction, parting to let us meet the king. We all kneeled before him, bowing our heads to show our apologies.

"I'm sorry for being late, sire" Lafayette said as Washington motioned for us to stand.

"That doesn't matter now..." Washington sighed. "Right now, I'm reminding you your roles for today." He glared at Alexander.

"Hamilton, you're with me today." He growled. Hamilton opened his mouth to protest but Laurens had elbowed his rib.

"Don't fight it, Alexander." I heard Laurens whisper to him. "The king isn't in a good mood right now."

"Burr, Lafayette," Washington tapped his foot on the floor. "You two greet our visitors. Bring them to the front of the castle where Hamilton and I will greet them."

"But sire, are you sure Burr is presentable enough for Britain?" Hamilton asked. "Look how intimidating he looks."

"You're just jealous that the rest of the knights are taller than you." Thomas chuckled. Hamilton faced him with a glare.

"Thomas, I suppose you don't want your horse to trample over you today? You know, after what happened to your saddle last fortnight, I suppose it's alright if I-"

"Hamilton, enough!" Washington yelled. Hamilton jumped, biting his lip. I heard Jefferson silently laugh behind me.

"Maybe I should have Jefferson with me today!" Washington wasn't yelling anymore but his voice was still loud enough that the servants by the door visibly jumped by the sound of it. "Maybe, you should help Madison look for plants instead of greeting our visitors with me by your side!" Washington glared at Hamilton. "Would you like that?"

"No, sire..." Hamilton swallowed hard. Washington let out a sigh, his gaze still cold as he stared at us.

"Jefferson, Mulligan, Laurens, Lee, you four keep a close eye. Even if the king has come here for a supposed peace treaty, remember that they are still our enemies. I don't trust them..." Washington frowned. "The rest of you, look your best for tonight's feast." He growled.


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