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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

"Burr! Get the fuck up!" I heard Hamilton burst into my room and throw me off my bed with a loud thump. 

"What the fuck do you want?!" I mumbled as I picked myself off the floor. 

"Are you serious??" Hamilton asked, crossing his arms. "It's already midday! Training is about to start in a few minutes." I looked around. Hold on, I thought I was... 

Was I with George last night?

"Hello?" Hamilton waved a hand in front of me. "Are you Aaron Burr, sir?"

"Huh?" I asked, rubbing my face. 

"Are you okay? Maybe I should just... tell Laf you're sick or something."Hamilton frowned. 

"Nono," I shook my head. I was really confused. I wanted to see George. "I'll be out in a bit. Go ahead, I'll meet you on the training grounds," I walked around the room, grabbing my armor and clothes. I heard Hamilton walk out and close the door behind him. 

Getting ready took longer than expected. There was just a lot of things on my mind. 



Scratch that, I only had one thing on my mind. George William Frederick. But my Knighthood is more important than him. I grabbed my sword and shoved it into its scabbard. I tie my dark blue cloak around my neck before rushing out the door and running down the halls. Lafayette must be pissed! 

I sprinted out the castle and to the training grounds where everyone was already watching a match between Laurens and Hamilton. I tried to blend in with the crowd of knights. Hopefully, Lafayette didn't notice. 

"You're late," I heard Lafayette hum behind me. And let me tell you, that scared the fuck out of me. I jumped which made Lafayette laugh. 

Oh shit, he noticed. 

"So, why are you late?" Lafayette asked quietly as he moved forward so he was standing next to me. 

"I overslept," I answered. There's no use in lying right now. 

"I can see that. You stayed in for four hours. You're lucky I covered for you during Washington's call today," Lafayette huffed. 

"Yeah, thanks," I said. There was a small moment of silence as we watched the match. Laurens seemed to be winning. "You're going to make me fight aren't you?" I asked, turning to look at Lafayette. 

"Yeah, totally," He laughed, crossing his arms. He seemed more cheery than yesterday.  Which is a good thing? I just hope he doesn't make me fight Jefferson again or something. 

As expected, Laurens won the fight. He was panting and gasping for air since Hamilton will not just give up and just kept trying to kick Laurens. For a small guy, he's pretty persistent. Laurens helped Hamilton to his feet before returning to the sidelines to take a break. 

"Burr! Get in there!" Lafayette pushed me forward as I stumbled over my feet. I watched Lafayette look at the other knights who were all talking to each other. 

"Excuse me?" I saw George approaching us with his brother behind him. George flashed me a quick look before turning to Lafayette. That was enough to make my heart race. 

"Oh, Prince George!" Lafayette exclaimed. "What can I do for you today?" George muttered something to him that I couldn't quite hear. Lafayette glanced at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen. After George was done talking, Lafayette nodded and held up his hand to point towards my direction. 

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