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Aaron Burr's P.O,V.

I blinked my eyes open, sitting up from my bed.

I did my usual routine, putting on clothing a usual knight of America would wear.

I grabbed a book, leaving my room and starting the day. I ate breakfast with the other knights, eating quietly next to Mulligan.

"Morning, Burr," Lafayette greeted as I sat down at the table. I noticed an empty seat between Lafayette and Hamilton who was writing something down.

Laurens had died during the war. That was by far the saddest day of Hamilton's life.

He was known as Washington's right hand man. The bastard who could write pages upon pages about a boring subject. The orphan who would work all day long writing and barely get enough sleep, couldn't even write a more than a few paragraphs describing his friend's death.

Though his behavior has improved when he married the young Elizabeth Schuyler.

"What are we doing today?" Mulligan asked Lafayette.

"Nothing. I decided to give you all a break today. You deserve it after a successful mission yesterday."

Lafayette gave us a smile.

"So..." Thomas started. "What are you guys doing with your day off?"

"Work," Hamilton replied simply, not looking up from the papers.

"Probably the Tavern," Mulligan shrugged.

"I'll go with Hercules," Lafayette chuckled. "You, Burr?"

"Well, I'll probably just read somewhere, where no one can disturb me."

"Geez, that's all you do," Mulligan chuckled. "But it's your choice, man."

I finished breakfast early, walking to the stables and grabbing a horse. Before I left, I bought flowers from a nearby shop. I spurred my horse, galloping out of town and into the forest.

The air smelled like rain due to the light shower last night. It was also going to be autumn soon, so the wind was starting to pick up on speed.

I jumped off my horse, tying its reins to a low branch. I walked through the forest, avoiding thorns and poison ivy.

I soon met up with a small grave, underneath a tree with white bark and moss growing at the foot of the trunk.

I kneeled in front of the grave, placing the flowers at the foot of the stone gently.

"Hey, George," I smiled softly.

It seemed like yesterday when we first kissed. I remember the night he left clear as day. Though, in reality, it has been four years. Four years of letters and war.

He had become King as well, in those four years. His father had taken ill and died, making George Britain's new king. Though shortly after the war ended, which was a year ago, I noticed that the letter had stopped coming.

Seabury visited and well...

He brought me news of George's death.

At first I couldn't handle the news, though Seabury had given me George's sword and red cloak.

They actually buried him here, as his last will. So I got to see him another time before he was buried.

Though, I wish he was here. Alive and by my side. I felt tears build up at the corner of my eyes.

"I miss you, George," I sobbed. "I want you back."

I clutched at the grass.

"He was a great King indeed," I heard someone say behind me. I turned my head, widening my eyes in shock.

Mulligan and Lafayette stood behind me with pitiful looks in their eyes. Lafayette crouched next to me.

"I never expected you of all people to fall in love with King George," Lafayette muttered.

"I didn't expect it either," I let out a breathless laugh, tears flowing down my cheeks. "I miss him so so much." I wiped away my tears with my sleeve. "I kept all his letters. I was so devastated when they stopped coming."

"I can tell you loved him, Burr," Lafayette sighed. "But it's time to move on. George wouldn't want you like this. He would want you to be happy."

Only the best for you, princess.

I nodded, wiping away my tears once more. Lafayette stood up, dusting himself off.

"Here," Lafayette held out a hand. "Join us for a drink, yeah?"

Well, if I do die, I die happy. Though, I know that you won't be happy. But I just want you to be happy. With or without me.

"Hey Burr," Mulligan said with a smile. "George will always be in your heart."

I took Lafayette's hand, letting him help me get up.




Thank you all for joining me in this journey even though I didn't really take it seriously.

I didn't expect people to read it because... as you know KingBurr is a weird ship....

This book was also supposed to be longer, like three or four more chapters longer. But I started another book in the middle of the story causing me to make this my second priority but I wanted to finish this first before publishing the other story.

And by the way, (#ShamelessInput) the new story is a Jeffmads :D I'm taking it so seriously that it scares me but the story still makes no sense, like all my other stories. But I'm actually proud of it so check it out! (If it's already published)

~Ly <3
Love you all!

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