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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

Collecting herbs was a lot harder than I thought. I don't know half of these herbs. Luckily, some of them have a picture or a description of the herb. Madison claims that Jefferson collects his herbs. But what the fuck?! Jefferson has no knowledge of herbs either and he has little to no patience to do this. He really does love Madison, doesn't he?
Either that or Madison is paying him a fortune which is unlikely. I picked some plants growing at the side of a river. It matched the description pretty well. I'm pretty sure I got the correct herb.

"Ah, there you are Burr!" George called out to me with a smile. I turned my head before looking back at my task. I placed the herbs into the basket, ignoring George's greetings.

"Why did you disappear earlier? I looked for you everywhere!" He exclaimed. I ignored him- easier said than done- and stood up. I had only three more herbs to collect. I wished to stay a little longer in the forest but now that George is here... I don't think that's a good idea.

"Hello...?" George asked, waving a hand in front of my face. "Why are you ignoring me?" He crossed his arms with a frown. "Was it because I called you princess earlier? I'm sorry, I'll never do that again,"

Fucking- Yeah right.

I walked past him, reading the list again.

"Oh! I saw some Hyssop on the way here," George said, reading the list over my shoulder.

Okay, guess I'm getting the yarrow first. I walked away from George though he continued to follow me like a lost puppy.

"Look, if what I did last night made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I won't bother you anymore if that's what you'd like," I heard George say to me. I stopped, turning to him.

"What?" I asked.

"I apologize for my inappropriate actions last night. I know it made you uncomfortable. A man holding you like that," George frowned.

I felt my heart race and my cheeks burn. So, last night did happen!

"It's alright, you're forgiven," I mumbled, bending down to pick some yarrow. I wanted to say something to him about last night but there's no way in hell I'll admit that I actually liked it when he held me close. Plus, it's illegal to fall in love with a man. I won't sacrifice my status for the enemy's prince. I should be focusing on my orders. I already told Lafayette that I'll use George to complete my part.

"Something's on your mind, isn't there?" George asked, crouching next to me. He held out a rose, smiling at me. "Would you like to talk about it?"

I reluctantly took the rose from him. I softly smiled as I placed it carefully in the basket. I glanced at George to see him smiling, his cheeks dusted a light pink. I cleared my throat, looking away from George.

"Thanks, but no thanks," I said, standing up. "You could just help me. Where are those Hyssop again?"

"Alright," George hummed, standing up. He led me through the forest, stopping when we saw a shrub that was dark green in color. He helped me pick some before placing them in the basket.

"That should be enough for Madison," I told him.

"Alright, then we should go back to Maryland," George said, walking towards his horse which was tied to a nearby tree.

"Yeah, about that. I walked here," I cleared my throat. This was too embarrassing. I could feel my skin heat up, clinging to my clothing. "So, meet you back at town?"

George laughed, leading his horse to me. "That's nonsense. You could just ride with me," I pressed my lips together, playing with a strand of lavender.

"But uhm... It's... Well..."I stammered.

"Come on, now," George held out a hand for me to take. I sighed before taking his hand. He helped me climb onto the horse before climbing on himself. He sat behind me, his body pressed close against mine as he spurred the horse.

"What if somebody sees us?" I asked him quietly.

"I'll just say that you hurt your foot and I insisted," George hummed, resting his head on my shoulder.
Oh yeah sure-

"Oh, don't worry sir! He hurt his foot and so I'm helping him go back to town on my horse while holding him really close and resting my head on his shoulder!"

-Totally believable.

"How about we get off near the gate and walk the rest of the way?" George suggested. "So, you don't have to deal with anyone asking you questions?" I could feel his breath tickle my ear. Oh shit.

"Alright..." I mumbled, leaning back against him. Don't blame me, I couldn't help it.

"So, those herbs are for the court physician, correct?" George asked. I nodded in response.

"I noticed he had a little limp while walking. What's his story?"

"Before I was knighted, Madison was a knight. One of the best actually. Until they got ambushed by you guys and well... He took an arrow to the knee," I explained. "Took him a while to recover but he can't be a knight anymore so he just continued his training as a physician."

"I apologize for that," He muttered.

"It's alright. That's in the past. Plus, you're not an enemy anymore!" I told him. I didn't hear a reply which kind of surprised me. I expected him to at least hum something or make a small remark but he didn't say anything.

"We're almost there, we should start walking," George said as he pulled on the reins, the horse stopping in its tracks. I hopped off the horse and watched George hop off as well.

We walked towards town in silence. It was a bit odd for George to be silent. It was a bit odd to me as well. Besides Lafayette, I actually enjoyed talking to George.

Fuck, remind me to never tell him that.


How sweet, George gave Aaron a rose.

~Ly <3

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