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Aaron Burr's P.O.V. 

I felt like hell. I sound like hell. My whole body hurt like hell. I'm probably in hell. 

I coughed horribly once again into my sleeve as I placed food on my plate. 

"Yo Burr," Mulligan turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "You alright? You sound like Madison right now."

"I can hear you," Jefferson rolled his eyes from across the table. 

"Okay, cool. Why are you telling us this?" Mulligan asked. 

"He's protecting his husband, that's what!" Hamilton looked up from the letter he was writing. 

"Shut your mouth, whore-son," Jefferson growled. Hamilton stopped writing and turned to Jefferson. He opened his mouth to probably shame Jefferson and his whole existence until the door slammed open, Lafayette carrying a sleeping Laurens over his shoulder. 

Lafayette threw Laurens onto an empty seat before taking a seat at the head of the table. 

"Why is he here?" Mulligan asked, pointing at Laurens with his spoon. 

"I'm making today a living hell for him after what happened last night," Lafayette answered with a small evil grin.  

"I'm already in hell," I let out a small hoarse chuckle before coughing once again. 

"Burr are you alright?" Lafayette asked with a concerned look. "I'll let you rest today if you'd like."

"What?!" Hamilton exclaimed, spilling ink all over the letter. "Oh fuck me!" he groaned before facing Lafayette once again. "Why does he get a break and not me?"

"Because you three forced him to drink last night," Lafayette pointed at Hamilton, Mulligan, and Laurens who was still passed out on the table. "And one drink led to another and I had another person to take care of!"

"Hey, you told him to drink too!" Hamilton pointed at Lafayette. 

"Only once! You, on the other hand, made a pact with him that you knew he was going to lose. And after that, you pressured him into drinking more alcohol!"

"Actually, John was the one who pressured him," Hamilton rolled his eyes. 

"I don't care if it was Hercules or you or John. All I'm saying is that it's partly your fault that he's sick and dying like Madison right now."

"Okay, that's not funny," Jefferson glared at Lafayette. 

"I don't need to rest, Lafayette," I said after finishing my breakfast. 

"Alright. But if you need to rest, you don't have to ask me," Lafayette shrugged. I gave him a little nod before standing and leaving the dining room. Right as I left, I saw George walking towards me with a smile on his face and a skip in his step. 

"Why are you so happy? You're creeping me out," I said in a hoarse voice. 

"Why, I can't be happy to see you? That's a little rude," George smiled.

"I'm just asking why you're so happy to see-" I broke into a coughing fit, coughing into my arm. George gave me a concerned look. After I calmed down, George pressed a hand to my forehead, making me heat up even more.

"You're heating up!" George exclaimed. "You need to rest today"

"No, I don't. I'll be fine," I said, trying to walk past him though he had stepped in my way.

"No you won't," George persisted, grabbing my shoulders to keep me in place.

"Fine, I'm still not returning to my chambers." I pushed his hands away.

"Fine," George smiled. "I'm carrying you there then!" Before I could run or even say anything, George bent down and carried me, throwing me over his shoulder.

"George!" I tried to squirm from his grasp but failing. I heard George chuckle as he started walking down the hallway and towards the direction of my chambers.

"I hate you..." I huffed after awhile of hoarse yelling and kicking.

"I won't have to carry you like this if you behave, princess," George said. I replied with a scoff. George put me down before wrapping his arms around my back and legs, lifting me up.

"I could just walk, you know," I mumbled as I noticed some servants chuckling as they walked by.

"True, but I get to hold you close like this," He whispered to me. My cheeks felt warm as I crossed my arms and looked away.

George pushed the door open before walking in and settling me carefully on my bed.

"Stay here, I'll go get Madison," George instructed before he exited the room. I sighed as I began to change into more comfortable clothes. There's no use for hauberk or a scabbard if George is going to force me to stay cooped up like this all day.

I stood up from my bed, untying my cloak and taking off the belt that held up my scabbard, both placing them on the table.

I next took off my surcoat, hauberk, and boots. I placed them in my wardrobe before changing into comfortable clothes and going back to my bed.

The door opened revealing George with Madison limping close behind.

"Thanks for making my job easier Burr," Madison rolled his eyes as he walked in. "Because the prince isn't."

Madison felt my forehead and nodded.

"But, Prince George is right," Madison said, placing a warm wet cloth on my forehead. "You're not able to do much today. If you do, your fever's just going to get worse."

I sighed, nodding.

Madison placed a remedy on the drawer next to my bed.

"If you feel worse than what you're feeling now, drink this. It should somewhat help," Madison said as he turned to George. "He needs to rest. I'll send someone to take care of him don't worry."

"I don't think that's necessary," George shook his head. "I'll take care of him."

"Are you sure? Won't you be busy?" Madison asked.

"It's not a problem if I miss one day of my prince duties. Plus, Edward can do that for me."

Madison frowned but nodded. "Alright, just don't let Burr leave the bed. And change the cloth every few hours."

"Of course," George nodded before Madison walked out my room.

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