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Aaron Burr's P.O.V. 

I took one last look at my reflection on the window before I grabbed my dark blue cloak, tying it around my neck. I grabbed my sword, which was on the bed, before placing it into my sheath. I grabbed my book atop a table by the door before walking out my chamber.

I stepped down the hall, servants stepping out of the way to let me pass. I slipped into the Great Hall, seeing that Washington and King Frederick wasn't in the room yet. Though the knights were talking to each other, seeming to get along with each other well. I spotted Lafayette seated close to the head of the table, next to Hamilton. I walked toward the empty seat next to Lafayette, staying close to the walls. 

I quietly sat on my seat, contrary to the loud chatters of the other knights. 

The two kings and two other knights walked into the Great Hall. The knights and servants fell into quiet hushed whispers as the two kings sat at the head of the table. The two knights- which I presume are the princes due to the circlets around their heads- sat across the room from Lafayette and me. 

Washington stood from his seat, raising a silver chalice. 

"A toast! To King Frederick and his kingdom!" He smiled, turning to the king to his left. "Soon to be a new ally of ours!"

Everyone raised their glass and cheered in agreement. 

The music continued in the background, along with the chatter and the laughter. 

I was never the one to talk. I was like Madison of some sort. 


Scratch that, I'm not like Madison. 

Madison was really shy, not the type to talk about anything. He only talks to one person without stuttering. Thomas Jefferson. 

Yep, Thomas Jefferson. The knight who gets hurt the most. And that's why Madison is comfortable around him. He always gets wounded in fights and he ends up in the physician's chambers every other day. 

I- on the other hand- just don't like talking to other people. Usually, because I have nothing to talk about. I'd rather just read my book, not involving myself with any ideas Hamilton ever has. Though, I do talk to others once in awhile. Like, Lafayette, Mulligan, Laurens, Jefferson... And surprisingly, Hamilton. 

I opened my book, starting to read from under the table. 

Lafayette nudged me, causing me to look up at him. "Mon ami, why are you not celebrating?" Lafayette asked with a smile. "This is something of great matter which needs to be celebrated! Why stick your nose in a book like always?"

"Well, I..." I cleared my throat. "I'm not the one for parties..."

"Ah, but mon ami," Lafayette smiled. "If you do not celebrate you will not make new friends."

I shrugged, returning to my book. 

Lafayette yanked the book from my hands, shutting it with a sigh.

"Hey!" I glared at him. "You made me lose my page!"

"You are the worst Burr..." Lafayette chuckled, shaking his head lightly. "You make me feel so tired."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't take my books from me," I grumbled, snatching back my book and hitting him on the head with it. 

"Do that again, and you'll see something burning in the fireplace by nightfall," Lafayette grinned. "Now, celebrate or you'll make a bad impression on behalf of the king." I let out a quiet sigh before nodding. 



Oof, another chapter. I edited this in class (Geez, almost got caught >.>)

Hope you enjoyed!

~Ly <3

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