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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

I had no clue where George was talking me but it was far enough that we needed a horse.

I sat in front of him, his arms wrapped around me. I tried my best to not place any pressure on my wound as George rested his head on my shoulder.

"Where we going?"I asked for probably the fifth time.

"Just be patient, princess," He hummed. God, how I hated that nickname. Though when he says it, it just makes me feel... Actually, let's not talk about that.

"Fuck you!" I muttered to which George replied with a cute chuckle.

"I don't think we can do that out in the open!" He smiled. My face heated up though I just shook it off. Soon the horse came to a stop and George hopped off. He led the horse to a nearby tree, tying it.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

"What do you think asshat?" I rolled my eyes. George smiled helping me off the horse. He carried me in his arms as we walked past the trees.

"You look cute," George smiled at me, causing me to look away. Okay, I seriously think he's going to kill me here in the middle of the woods, that's why he's being so nice all of the sudden. He stopped by a lake. It seemed weird at first but I recognized the lake easily.

"Why are we here?" I asked him as he placed me down under a tree.

"Well, since I'm not going to be around much anymore and you have a wounded leg and can't walk, I decided to bring you here one last time." George took a seat next to me. "You know, it is your favorite place after all."

"Oh!" George exclaimed, reaching around the tree. "I also got you something." He took out a beautiful blue flower. I smiled softly, taking it from him.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"Only the best for you," George returned the smile. We sat there in a silence, admiring the sunset. The sun made the water look like liquid gold.

"Sorry for being an asshole," I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder. "I guess, you just did that to save me and I repaid you by being an ass."

"Hey, it's not your fault," George let out a breathless laugh. "I would be bitter too if you decided to be an asshole out of nowhere with no explanation. And you gave me a leg injury that would take months to a year to heal."

I felt George wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"When are you leaving?" I asked quietly.

"Tonight," George mumbled, his grip on my hip tightening.

"Why? Aren't you supposed to leave tomorrow or the day after?"

George hesitated before shaking his head. "Father was caught in Washington's quarters last night. He's suspected of killing Washington so Washington decided to break the treaty and declare war on us once more," George sighed.

I sat up, though regretting it as pain rushed throughout my leg.

"Be careful," George helped me sit up. I stared at him in bewildering confusion and panic.

He's leaving?

"But truly, your father didn't mean to kill Washington?" I asked.

"Aaron, even I'm convinced that father wanted to kill Washington," George sighed. "So I took you here to say goodbye."

I heard my heart beating in my ears. My breathing was way too quick, I couldn't think of anything!

"Aaron?" George asked, after a moment of silence. "Are you alright?"



Shield your heart for what is about to happen in the next chapter.

~Ly <3

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