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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

I don't know how I ended up outside of Prince George's chambers. Near midnight, mind you. Wait, is it his chamber? I know he's on the other side of the castle and he's in one of the nicer ones but... There are so many goddamn chambers with that description so I don't fucking know... 

I took a sharp breath before knocking once. 


I don't know why I knocked once. Who even knocks once? 

I groaned quietly before hastily walking down the hallway. All of the sudden, everything felt so stuffy. I bit my lip, trying to find the exit. I walked past some guards who nodded to me with respect of some sort. I walked out of the castle, taking huge gasps of air. It was like I was being choked inside that castle. 

I frowned, glancing over at the stables. I need to get out of Maryland.

I walked over to the stables, quickly saddling a horse and climbing on. I spurred the horse and in a flash, I was outside Maryland, and into the forests in the outskirts of town. I felt the wind rushing past me, leading the horse through the trees. I pulled on the reins of the horse, the horse slowing down. It's whinny cut through the silence before it completely stopped in front of a very familiar lake. 

I panted, even though I wasn't running. I felt so panicked for some reason. I let out a huge breath, jumping off the horse. I led her to a nearby tree before tying the reins on a low branch. 

I turned to the lake, lifting my eyes to stare at the stars. It looked... beautiful. Not that it wasn't beautiful on other days. It was just that on this particular night, the stars seemed more spectacular. I sat in front of the water, now giving me more access to more stars. 

I closed my eyes only to hear a twig break behind me. My eyes snap open as I stand up and unsheathed my sword. I whip my whole body around, pointing my sword at-

Oh my God, it's fucking Prince George. 

He smiled awkwardly as my sword pointed at his throat.  We stood there for a minute, staring at each other. Well, I was glaring at him while he helplessly smiled at me. 

I sighed softly, pulling the sword away from his throat. 

"You scared me..." I frowned, shoving my sword into its sheath. 

"Right," Prince George cleared his throat. "I can see that."

"Well, it's not always that a prince of an enemy kingdom sneaks up behind me in the middle of the night," I roll my eyes. 

"Well not many knights knock on my door once near midnight and decide to leave without another word," He smiled at me, crossing his arms over his chest. I frowned, looking away from him. 

"Why are you even here?" I mumbled glumly. 

"You said that this place was beautiful at night so I wanted to see for myself," He answered. 

"Or, you just followed me here," I sneered. 

"That too," He laughed at which I rolled my eyes. 

"Maybe you should go back to the castle. King Frederick is going to go haywire if you're gone again."

Prince George groaned exasperatedly, shaking his head lightly. "There are more important things other than Father's short temper."

I raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" 

"Like..." He smiled a little before looking away. "Something that's not of importance right now," He cleared his throat. We stood there in an awkward silence. 

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