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George William Frederick's P.O.V.

I felt it odd how Aaron seemed to be crying last night. I wanted to ask him about it but my mind's telling me 'No'. That's the only thing that kept me from asking yesterday.

"Are you going to eat your breakfast or are you going to play with it?" Edward asked, pointing at my plate with his spoon.

"Of course I'm eating it," I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you should hurry then. Today is when the treaty will be signed so Father's going to be needing us today," Edward said after he finished chewing.

Right, the treaty. It was supposed to be signed yesterday but you, my idiot of a brother had gotten himself hurt yesterday and the signing had to be postponed until later tonight.

This also means I wouldn't be able to see Aaron much today... I wanted to especially see him, seeing how he was very troubled yesterday. I tapped on the table with my middle and ring finger. Edward noticed immediately and groaned.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?" Edward asked with a sigh.

"Nothing of your business," I scoffed, starting to eat. Edward leaned across the table to which I returned with a glare. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. 

"Oh. My. God!" He exclaimed, jumping back into his seat. "You're in love aren't you?!"

I pushed back my chair with a gasp. "Edward, I can't believe you!" Edward looked at me with a stupid smug grin as he rested his head on the palm of his hand. "I am not in love!"

"Then why is your face red?" He smiled.

"Because it caught me by surprise!" I growled. "I didn't expect you to say that."

"Because you didn't expect anyone to find out!" Edward exclaimed. "So, who's the lucky girl?"

It's not a girl you dimwit.

"I'm telling you, I'm not in love," I rolled my eyes.

"You're in denial. It's alright George, everyone goes through that phase," Edward whispered to me the last part. I scowled, my face burning with anger and embarrassment. 

"I have lost my appetite," I frowned, standing from my seat. "You can have my food, Edward." I had left the room before Edward could tease me any longer. I sighed, walking down the hallways to the Knight's dining room. I saw Aaron walking out the door as he read a book though I felt an arm pull me into another hallway.

"Ah, George, there you are," Father smiled at me. I looked back and saw Aaron walking the other direction, still reading.

"What is it you need, Father?" I asked with a small sigh. Father walked down the hallway, me walking by his side.

"Where were you last night? You missed supper," Father said.

"Ah, well, I wanted to explore the forests a bit, Father," I replied.

"Yes, You're still as adventurous as you were as a baby." Father chuckled. "Now, the reason why I pulled you over here is that I have something for you to do,"

"Oh?" I asked.

"You'll be creating a speech today. Do you think you'll have it ready for tonight?" Father asked.

"Sure," Father and I stopped by a window. 

"Alright, thank you, George," Father nodded. I returned the nod before Father walked off. I sighed as I looked out the window to see the knights training. Aaron just stood there by Hamilton who seemed to be talking to him. I guess I'm not able to see him at all today...


E D W A R D   K N O W S

~Ly <3

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