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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

I was pissed at George. He even had the nerve to volunteer to join us in this patrol around the borders. He's also with his brother. I don't really talk to him much but hopefully, he's not as much of a dick unlike the soon-to-be-king of Britain. Though that doesn't mean I'll talk to him. He's always near George and I'd think I'll explode if I ever hear his idiotic responses again.

Lafayette was leading the patrol, four or five of us walking behind him.

There were multiple reports of violent raiders or smugglers around this area. So, Washington asked us to take care of it.

Lafayette held up a hand, stopping us from going any further. He looked around before quietly turning to us.

"Everyone split up. Establish a perimeter. Bring someone else with you, its dangerous here with those raiders," Lafayette ordered. "Everyone meet back here at this spot." Lafayette broke a nearby branch as a mark. We all gave him a nod before splitting. I had walked off- since I was at the side- expecting someone to just follow me.

Of course, someone did.

I walked down a small slope, hearing small clanks of metal. They were here somewhere. I quietly walked over to some bushes, crouching down. I peeked over to see a wagon with men all eating and making stew. They were well equipped. Though they wore leather vests and simple shirts, they had a vast arrangement of weapons. From swords to crossbows to maces. They all had different looks to them, meaning they all got it from different places. Or rather, stole.

"Is that them?" I heard someone say behind me, causing me to unsheathe a dagger and throw it behind me.

George (unfortunately) ducked before the dagger could hit him.

"Geez, friendly much?" He rolled his eyes.

"Why did you have to follow me? Jesus..." I sighed, turning back around to spy on the raiders.

"Because Lafayette ordered to bring someone with you. It's dangerous, you know?" George whispered as he crouched next to me.

I rolled my eyes, letting out a small scoff. "Like you would protect me."

"I could probably protect you better than you could protect yourself, so shut the fuck up," George muttered. I glared at him before looking back to the camp. Most men had finished eating and were placing wood into a small pile, probably getting ready for the night.

"So, what's the plan?" George asked me. I didn't reply, just kept observing the raiders, seeing what they would do next.

"Do you even have a plan?" George sighed, annoyance tinging his words.

"I actually do have a plan," I hissed, crawling away from the bush so I could stand up without being seen. George followed me, ready to unsheathe his sword.

"So?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut the fuck up and report back to Lafayette," I crossed my arms.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"You'll be okay alone?" For a second I thought I saw concern in his eyes but it was blurred by my annoyance.

"Where did this sudden act of kindness come from?" I snapped. "Being the asshole you are, I never thought you could ever have concern for someone!"

George looked taken aback though he stood firm, staring at me with what seemed like an apologetic look. He shrugged, the look quickly being replaced by a cold one.

"I don't want you to die since I'll be blamed for it," He scoffed. "That's too much work to handle." At this moment, I wanted to tackle him and bash his face in. Though something in the back of my mind kept me from doing much more than glaring.

"So are you going to let me go so I could find Lafayette or are you just going to stare at me all day?" George bent down a little and patted my cheek lightly with a small chuckle.

I growled at him, my fist harshly meeting his jaw. He stepped back and held his jaw in pain, groaning quietly. There was a bruise on his jaw which made me smile a little.

"There, at least Lafayette could presume that we were attacked and you barely escaped with a bruise on your jaw." I sneered. "That'll make him quicken his pace." I glared at him as he picked himself from the ground and strided away.

I walked towards the tree where the dagger got stuck in. I yanked it away from the tree and sheathed it back on my belt.

I'm pretty sure Washington's suspicions were correct and King Frederick just used the peace treaty to attack from the inside of the castle. Maybe that's why George was so nice to me. Now, he got what he wanted so he's being the biggest asshole the world has seen.

"Fucking George," I muttered angrily. I felt something hit the back of my head harshly, sending me to topple into the tree as my vision went to black.



~Ly <3

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