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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

I stood firmly by Lafayette as we waited for the king and his knights to arrive. I was a little uneasy, to be honest. 

Even if the king came here to make peace, there is a chance he will attack. We must be always on guard. 

"Stay calm, Burr," Lafayette spoke suddenly, making me jump a little in surprise.

"What?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the cobbled path ahead of us. 

"Stay calm," Lafayette echoed. "I can see that you're a little stiff. It's alright. The king came here for peace. Whatever happens, happens but stay calm." Lafayette faced me. "If they see that you're afraid, they can take that chance to attack or even disgrace ourselves in front of the king." 

"Right..." I mumbled, taking a deep breath. 

We stood outside for God knows how long. Though I could tell it was already midday, due to the sun being in the middle of the sky. And then we heard it. 

Whinnies and cries of horses. 

In the distance, men rode their horses, marching towards us. Lafayette and I straightened our postures as they made their way closer. 

They stopped a few feet away from us before Lafayette stepped forward and introduced himself. 

"You must be King Frederick," He said firmly. "I am Sir Lafayette."

I carefully studied the king and his men. The king was riding a white horse, wearing a crown atop his head. He also had white hair, pulled into a ponytail. King Frederick and the two knights on either side of him were the only ones wearing a cloak. Their surcoats were red, opposed to our dark blue one. 

Their coat of arms was a yellow lion, which was standing on its hind legs and its forepaws stretched out in front of it. It also wore a crown as it seemed to be roaring. 

"I was ordered to lead you to the castle," Lafayette answered. "Please follow us." Lafayette and I bowed our heads respectfully before walking into the city. As we passed, everyone stopped and bowed their head respectfully before murmuring secrets to each other. We reached the front of the castle. As Washington had said, Hamilton and he were waiting there. 

King Frederick and his men hopped off their horses as Lafayette and I stood next to Hamilton behind Washington. Washington stepped forward with a smile and a laugh. 

"America welcomes you, King Frederick of Britain," Washington smiled, shaking King Frederick's hand. "How have you been?"

"Well," King Frederick answered simply. "The journey here was a bit rough, I must say." 

"Ah, is that the reason why you took another fortnight?" Washington asked. 

"Yes," King Frederick took a quick look around. "I must say, after all our years of fighting, I have never gotten to see your kingdom." He smiled. "And I must admit, it is magnificent!" 

"Many thanks, Frederick," Washington chuckled. They continued to talk as they walked into the castle. King Frederick's knight's remained outside, calming their horses, as it seemed that the horses were a little bewildered at the unknown territory. The servants walked outside, taking the horses and leading them to the stables. 

"Come," Lafayette said to Hamilton and I. "We must prepare for tonight." We nodded before walking towards the entrance. We parted ways, walking to our chambers to fully prepare for today. 


A Knight's Honor! A KingBurr Hamilton Au where I don't have a single clue on what I'm doing!

I mean... 

Hi! My name is Ly, welcome to another fanfiction...?

It's a KingBurr (King George III and Burr) where King George is still a prince and Burr is one of Washington's trusted knights. I got this idea in the middle of the knight (haha) and I mumbled along Lafayette's part in Aaron Burr, Sir:

"-The Lancelot of the Revolutionary Set"

And I've been watching waaaay too much Merlin (If you don't know that show, you should, it is amazing, I love it to bits) and my tired brain just said. 


"What ship tho? I've been wanting to make a Jeff-"

"HoW aBOuT kINgBUrR???" 




Seriously, I have no idea what I'm doing...

~Ly <3

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