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George William Frederick's P.O.V.

The feast was fun to say the least. Though, I wanted to sit next to Aaron. Sadly, I can't. I may have control over an army but I don't have control on where I sit.

The feast finally came to an end. Everyone had left the Grand Hall and returned to their Chambers. Father and Edward decided to stay with Washington and his right hand man who I can tell is drunk off of his mind. I just hope for the best for him.

I walked to my Chambers, ready to retire myself. I opened the door and entered, closing it behind me right after.

Right as I turned around, I saw someone at the table. His head was atop his arms as he seemed to be asleep. I couldn't really tell who it was since it was too dark. So I lit some candles before going over.

After the candles were lit, it was a little less dark in the room. I saw that the man had a dark blue cloak.

So he was a knight of America then.

I stopped right next to him before crouching to see his face.

What is Aaron doing here?

I tapped his shoulder a few times before he stirred, blinking his eyes open tiredly.

"Aaron, what are you doing here?" I asked him. He took a look at me before mumbling something into his arm that I couldn't quite hear.

"Come on princess, you should be sleeping at your own bed," I smiled small.

"Fuck off, Hamilton..." I heard Aaron mumble causing me to chuckle. I stood up and walked to the other side of Aaron.

I wrapped my arm around his back before wrapping my other arm around the bend of his knees. I lifted him up and carried him close to my chest.

I opened the door as best as I could with my foot- which was not easy by the way- before walking down the hallway. This was going to take awhile since Aaron's Chambers is in the other side of the castle.

Luckily, I encountered no guards since it'll be hard to explain yourself when carrying a sleeping knight.

I opened the door to Aaron's Chambers before walking in. I settled him gently on his bed, pulling the covers over him. I smiled at him, cupping his cheeks. It felt so warm. A little too warm actually. Is he sick? He can't be.

"Goodnight princess," I smiled. I pulled away, turning to leave before a hand grabs my arm.

He said something that I couldn't quite hear. Though, something along the lines of "Please don't leave me" Honestly, that was not my priority at the moment. I frowned as I noticed Aaron on the verge of tears. That made my heart break. To see him like this. What's got him like this anyway? I don't think he'll ever do this in front of anyone.

"I can't, princess." I sighed. "I have to return to my room."

Aaron frowned, pulling me down. I stumbled over the bed before my lips awkwardly crash onto his.

I never expected this. I never expected to kiss a man before. Let alone a knight from America.

Aaron shyly wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I felt myself kiss back, closing my eyes.

I slowly climbed onto the bed, pushing Aaron onto his back without breaking the kiss.

I always thought kissing a man was rough and messy opposed to kissing a woman. But kissing Aaron... Felt like heaven.

My brain told me to stop. Stop before I can't stop myself anymore. Stop before I fall in love even more.

But I didn't listen.

I pulled away to breathe, staring at Aaron as he shyly avoided my gaze. We were both panting and the room felt too hot. 

I lent down, nipping at Aaron's neck. Something he did not expect due to the little squeak he made- something I thought was absolutely adorable by the way.

Aaron sighed contently as I left small kisses on his neck. I pulled away slowly only to press my lips against his once more. I tasted a slight tang of alcohol on Aaron's lips.

Is he drunk?

I pulled away, causing Aaron to whine.

"Aaron... Are you drunk?" I asked softly.

"I don't think so," Aaron had a slight slur in his sentences.

"You are, aren't you?" I sighed.

"No," Aaron giggled.

And here I thought Aaron kissed me intentionally and sober. Fuck, I was too dazed to notice it sooner!

"Aaron, go to sleep," I huffed, backing up so I could climb off the bed. Aaron grabbed my arm once again, making me look at him.

"Really..." Aaron muttered. "Don't leave me." 

I sighed, smiling. I leaned over, kissing Aaron's forehead. 

"I won't leave you, princess," I smiled at him. "I'll see you in the morning, alright?" Aaron nodded, leaning forward to give me one last bittersweet kiss. Aaron got under the covers and in a matter of seconds, was asleep. 

I would take up on his offer and sleep with him but Father would be looking for me in the morning and if anyone walks in on us, it'll be very, very hard to explain. 

I can hug him in the morning. When he's sober and get's all agitated when I call him princess. 

Let's just hope he doesn't wake up in a bad mood. 

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