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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

I sighed as I walked through the castle, greeting guards on the way back to the Great Hall. After drinking mead with Lafayette, the other knights became a little... out of control. So, I decided to get some fresh air and take a walk around the town. 

It wasn't much since I had left my book inside the Great Hall but it was enough to make me not sigh every couple of minutes. I took my time getting back to the Great Hall so I had shut my eyes, enjoying the silence in the hallways. 

Step step step

I heard fast footsteps echoing throughout the hallway but I ignored it. It's probably one of the guards or Madison forgetting something in the throne room again. The footsteps became closer and closer, prompting me to open my eyes. Though when I did, I was knocked down, feeling a weight on top of me. 

I groaned exasperatedly, waiting quietly for whoever it was on top of me to get the fuck up. 

"Oh, goodness!" I heard a British accent. Great, one of our guests is on top of me. "My sincerest apologies!" He gasped as I felt the weight on me lessen. I sighed softly before picking myself up off the floor and dusting myself off. 

"Are you alright?" I looked up to see none other than Prince George William Frederick himself. He stared at me with concern in his pale blue eyes. They shined lightly with the dim moonlight on them and up close, I noticed how he was taller than me. 

"I'm alright, thanks," I shrugged. 

"I apologize once again," Prince George bowed a little. "I wasn't looking where I was going and I turned the corner and- Oh, I'm just so terribly sorry." He rambled on, causing me to raise an eyebrow. 

"Hey, it's alright. No need to apologize." I raised a hand in defense. 

"Right..." Prince George bit his bottom lip. "Oh!" He exclaimed causing me to jump a little in surprise. "My name is Prince George William Frederick of Britain," He smiled as he held out a gloved hand for me to shake. I stared at his hand, contemplating if I should introduce myself. 

"Take your time, no rush..." Prince George chuckled causing me to look up and stare at him blankly. 

"Sir Aaron Burr," I huffed shaking his hand. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Burr," He smiled at me as I rolled my eyes. He let go of my hand and bowed once again. "I must get going now. I hope to see you again," He smiled softly as he ran down the hall once again. 

I frowned, standing in the hallway by myself for a few minutes before continuing to walk. 



I only one day left and winter break is here!

Geez, I am so tired and fuckin' school has been up my ass this week.

Well, here's another chapter!

Hope you enjoyed


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