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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

The majority- actually no- entirely of yesterday, George stayed by my side, taking care of me, keeping me company, even feeding me. I told him multiple times that I could've done it myself. Of course, he didn't listen to me. I swear he could be a total pain sometimes.

My horse trotted right behind Washington's as he led him through the forest right beside King Frederick.

King Frederick suggested having a little ride through the forests to cool their minds off of war tactics and financial problems. Washington was skeptical but accepted either way. Hamilton was supposed to be with Washington right now, though he was busy with something that he wouldn't specify. I'm guessing he's meeting Phillip Schuyler's girls again. Lafayette was the second choice but he was out with James to another town to heal a very sick man and probably won't return for days. So, Washington just chose me, sadly.

King Frederick and Washington were discussing something that I wasn't listening to but probably should just in case Washington should ask my opinion. Of course, being the uninteresting- as Hamilton likes to put it- person I am, I decided not to.

I let out a quiet sigh before turning to my left to see George beside me.

I never noticed him, even though we've been riding through these woods for quite some time right now. I guess, he was just really quiet. I gave him an expecting look though he never looked at me. He just kept looking forward. I expected him to- I don't know- at least give me a quick glance. That's what he always did.

I continued to look forward, though almost running my horse into Washington's if I hadn't slowed down.

I gave George another sideways glance. He looked, like every arrogant, cocky, tedious prince you would imagine as a peasant. He definitely did not look like the prince I saw the night of the feast. Definitely did not look like the same prince who took care of me yesterday or even the prince who gave me flowers that one night.

Oh fuck, I sound like a needy betrothed.

I shook my head lightly with a small groan. Why should I even care if George doesn't talk to me for a day or two? It's his decision I shouldn't take control of them. Plus, he's a prince. He's just doing what's expected of him.

"Burr, what do you think?" Washington asked. Oh god, I knew this was bound to happen.

I stumbled over my words, mumbling something quietly before answering with a somewhat confident, "I agree." Washington nodded before continuing wherever he left off with King Frederick. I stared off into the trees at the side, thinking about George.

He was a handsome prince indeed, and he was like a prince every maiden imagines. A knight-in-shining-armor of some sort. He was really kind to me and it hurt when he ignores me like this.

"Are you alright, Burr?" I saw George stop his horse at my side. He called me Burr. It felt peculiar when he called me by my surname. He only did that when we first met. I glanced at him and looked forward only to noticed that I had stopped my horse. I blushed madly, spurring my horse gently to urge it forward. George did the same, not giving me as much as a second glance.

"I'm alright, just a little distracted, that's all," I answered lowly.

"Yes, I can see that," George muttered. We rode through the woods silently, quite a distance behind King Frederick and Washington. I wanted to strike up a conversation with George but I just didn't know what to say. Compliment his hair? I don't know...

"It's a beautiful day outside today, correct?" George said lowly. Instead of dismissing the tension that I felt, it amplified it.

"Right, it's the right temperature, not too hot or cold," I replied with with a small nod. Okay, this is going nowhere.

Thankfully, King Frederick and Washington stopped their horses, glancing back at I us. I noticed King Frederick glare at George to which George hung his head a little in shame.

"Burr! Why are you two back there?" Washington called out with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry sire," I huffed as I urged my horse to quicken it's pace. I stopped my horse right behind Washington's and gave him a small nod. "We noticed something in the bushes and thought it was a threat. Though, it was just a deer," I shrugged.

Washington nodded and turned to King Frederick. "Shall we head back then? It's almost midday."

"That is a swell idea, Washington," King Frederick smiled as he turned his horse around with Washington beside him once more with George and I behind them.


oH ThEre's teNsiOn bEtweEn THe TwO

~Ly <3

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