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George William Frederick's P.O.V

Aaron's panicked eyes stared at me, trying to tell me something though failing.

"Aaron?" I asked gently. "Are you alright?"

I saw tears forming at the corners of his eyes before he yanked me forward, my lips crashing into his.

I finally got to kiss Aaron. This was way different than the kiss when he was intoxicated. This kiss was soft, sweet... real.

Aaron pulled away, tears now quickly running down his cheeks. I wiped them away with my hand as Aaron leaned into my touch.

"I don't want you to leave just yet, George," He hiccuped, sighing. "I love you too much to lose you."

I gave him a soft look before leaning in once more to plant another kiss on his lips. He kissed back though I could practically feel the remorse and the despair coming from Aaron.

I pulled away though pulling Aaron into an embrace soon after.

"I love you too, Aaron," I muttered, tears soon rolling down my cheeks. "I don't want to leave either but it's for the best."

"What if you get killed?" Aaron asked, burying his face into my neck. I stayed silent, letting out a small huff.

"Well if I do die, I die happy. Though I know that you won't be happy. But I just want you to be happy. With or without me." I smiled. I heard calls coming through the forest. I heard Seabury
calling out to me.

"It seems that I must go," I gave him a sad smile.

He gave me a kiss.

One last time.

"Good bye, Aaron."


Sorry not Sorry.

~Ly <3

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