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Aaron Burr's P.O.V

I stood by the other knights, as Washington grabbed the quill to sign the treaty. I looked to my left and saw George standing by his father. I was a little upset that I couldn't see him today but he's a prince. He doesn't always have free time... 

King Frederick next signed it and once he finished, everyone started cheering and clapping. And then... the feast started... 

I'm not very fond of feasts. There are too much noise and people. It's like a tavern but I'm sitting close to Laurens and Hamilton. Lord, they are the worst when they get drunk. 

This feast would be somewhat fun if George sat next to me. Sadly,  he's a prince,  which means he has to sit next to King Frederick- who is at the head of the table. He's also a knight and prince of Britain who has to sit on the other side of the room. 

I noticed that everyone settled down, the room beginning to grow quiet. 

I looked around and noticed that George had stood up, looking around the room. Once he had the full attention of everyone, he started to speak. 

"Today is the day two foes becomes two allies. With the signing of this treaty, the war between America and Britain should cease after long years of violence and tumult." He smiled. "And today starts a new era of peace and prosperity between our two kingdoms. I'm proud to say that-"

"I suspect your lover to glance at you anytime now," I heard Mulligan whisper to me. I glanced at Mulligan before looking at George. As if on cue, I saw George glance at my direction causing Mulligan to chuckle. I kicked him under the table causing him to silently groan out in pain.

He glared at me as I stared at him with a smug smile.

"You two, pay attention," Lafayette gently hit the back of our heads. Mulligan scoffed before looking back at George who had raised his goblet to the air.

"To America. To Britain. To all the brave souls who have fallen," George said. Everyone else raised their glasses and cheered. George sat back in his seat and everyone continued where they left off.

That means music, chatter, laughing, and drinking ale. 

"Raise a glass to freedom!" I heard Laurens call out causing Mulligan, Lafayette and Hamilton cheer and raised their tankards. 

"Something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you!" Laurens slurred. Oh no, he's already drunk... Hamilton laughed, downing his ale before turning his head to look at me. 

"Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr," He smiled. 

"Sir-" I tried to speak but Hamilton raised a finger to silence me. 

"I didn't think that you would make it-"

"To be sure-"

"Burr!" Mulligan and Lafayette groaned exasperatedly, Mulligan throwing an arm around me. 

"Please don't touch me-" I threw his arm off of me. 

"Ho!" Laurens, Mulligan, and Lafayette called out. 

"Ignore them," Hamilton snickered. "Let's have another round tonight!"

"No thanks, I don't drink," I rolled my eyes. 

"C'mon Burr!" Mulligan slid a tankard full of ale in front of me. "Just one."

"This is peer pressure!" I sighed. 

"Connerie! Allez Burr, prenez au moins un verre avec nous!" Lafayette frowned. 

"I didn't really understand that but, I agree!" Laurens garbled, almost falling out of his chair. 

"Scratch that, Burr at least one drink. Laurens-" Lafayette pointed at Laurens who finished another tankard full of ale. "That's your last drink." 

Laurens almost spits out his drink before gasping. "Fuck off, Sir Marie Joseph... Uhm... Something-something-something, Lafayette, Marquis de Gilbert." Laurens stuck his middle finger in front of Lafayette's face. I saw Lafayette hold back an evil grin, his dark eyes full of devilry. It probably took Mulligan and Hamilton all their will-power to keep from laughing- seeing how their faces were a shade of red.

"It's Sir Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette," Lafayette rolled eyes, slapping away Laurens' hand.

"I remember when Washington knighted him," Laurens chuckled. "That was the best day ever." Hamilton started giggling which turned into endless laughter.

"Oh!" Laurens perked up. "When you were getting taught your name, how long did it take you to fully memorize it?"

"Okay, enough about my name," Lafayette huffed. "I get it, it's long and hard to pronounce, fuck off."

"Yo, Burr!" Hamilton suddenly gasped. "We'll let you be if you can pronounce Laf's whole name correctly."

"Oh my God," Lafayette sighed.

"But if I don't?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It'll be time to take a shot," Hamilton smiled. I eyed the tankard in front of me, filled to the brim with ale.

I was confident that I could pronounce Lafayette's name correctly. I understood French fluently and Lafayette told me how to pronounce his full name before so how hard could it be?

It is a gamble. If I make the tiniest mistake, I'll be forced to drink a full tankard of ale. But if I do win, I get to avoid Laurens' and Hamilton's shenanigans. Is it worth the gamble?

Fuck yeah, it is.


Oof, peer pressure is bad kids.

~Ly <3

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