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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

The first thing I saw walking through the gates of Maryland was Edward talking to a really ticked off Lafayette.

What's got him so pissed?

Lafayette was tapping his foot impatiently on the floor while Edward seemed to be interrupting whatever Lafayette had to say.

Lafayette saw us and I saw a huge wave of relief crash over him. Well, more like felt. Though his gaze was still cold and yet, it burned me.

"There's your brother, you happy?" Lafayette rolled his eyes.  Prince Edward turned around to face us and his eyes lit up. Soon enough, he was jogging towards us.

"Where were you??" Prince Edward asked with a small huff. 

"Burr and I just took a small stroll around the forest," Prince George replied coolly. "Why, is there something the matter?"

"Yes!" Prince Edward exclaimed, jumping in front of the horses, prompting us to stop. "Father has been looking for you everywhere!" 

"Well, I'll see him in a minute," Prince George gently spurred his horse who trotted around Edward. I followed closely behind, Prince Edward starting to walk by George's side once more. 

"No! Not in a minute!" Prince Edward barked. "Father needs you now. Not in a minute, not in two minutes! Now!" 

"I know that, but can't you see that I have to leave my horse at the stables?" 

"Yes, I know that! But why can't you give it to Burr? You're a prince, you basically have power over him," Prince George frowned, stopping his horse. He never looked down at Prince Edward or looked at me. He kept looking straight forward, towards the castle. 

"Edward..." I heard Prince George mumble. Prince Edward leaned over so he had a clear shot of Prince George's face. I, however, didn't. And I'm pretty sure he's smiling or quietly laughing, agreeing with Prince Edward. 

I heard murmurs coming from Prince George but I couldn't interpret anything he tried to say. Prince Edward's eyebrows shot up, his face twisting into complete shock. 

Prince George turned his head and looked down at Prince Edward. Prince Edward glanced at me, looked back at Prince George and nodded slightly before sighing and walking away. 

Prince George urged his horse to go forward, mine following. We reached the stables in a minute or so, hopping off our horses and leaving them there for the servants to take care of. 

Right when we left the stables, Prince George turned around facing me with a small sigh. 

"I apologize greatly for my brother's actions. He's still young and he's panicking about Father's instructions so please pardon his behavior. I know you'd like to speak your mind but please don't do it. Edward doesn't really have the best temper and-"

I rolled my eyes at which Prince George stopped talking.

"Oh goodness..." He frowned. "I'm annoying you aren't I? Very well, I shall leave you alone," he sighed.

I shook my head frantically. "No! You weren't annoying me it's just that... You don't need to apologize."

Prince George hung his head with a frown. "Of course I need to apologize! My brother had basically disrespected a knight."

"And?" I asked. "I see no wrong in that."

"He disrespected you!" Prince George exclaimed. "He's your guest! He basically made fun of your low standards and you don't get fazed by it at all?"

I shook my head, my eyes wide. Why is Prince George overreacting?

"I just don't see a reason to," I smiled at him. Prince George stared at me a while longer before sighing and nodding.

"Well... As long as you're not mad... I'm not going to go any further." He smiled yet I could still see a slight annoyance behind it.

"Look, don't worry about it," I reassured him. "I'm sure Prince Edward didn't mean it." Prince George nodded slowly.

"Maybe you should go and see your father. You wouldn't want him to be angry at you," I gave him a small smile which he returned.



Oof another chapter >.>

I hope you enjoyed ^^

~Ly <3

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