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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

I felt uncomfortable walking through the town with Prince George by my side. I don't know why I felt so... weird? odd? What's the word? Bizarre, I guess. Just a few minutes earlier, I basically yelled out my opinions in front of his face. That is not me at all...

"Do you have a favorite part of the town?" Prince George suddenly asked. I bit my bottom lip, my grip on my book tightening. Don't tell him, don't tell him, don't tell him! He's not my friend... 

"The town is great although I don't have a favorite part..." I replied quietly. Prince George nodded hesitantly. 

"Do you have a favorite part of the kingdom?" He asked.

Stop, stop, stop! 

"Well, uhm..." I fumbled with the book. "Not far from here, I go there almost every day to read," I answered. Prince George stopped walking, prompting me to stop by his side also. 

"Is it alright if you take me there?" He stared down at me due to our height difference. 

Fuck my life!

"Well, I-" I stopped myself. I don't trust myself enough to answer. 

"It's alright if you don't want to show me. I understand," He frowned with such disappointment. 

"No-no!" I stepped back a little with panic. "I could take you but it's just-just-well, it's-"

Prince George chortled, his cheeks lightly dusted with a light shade of pink. I pressed my lips together in embarrassment, avoiding his gaze. 

"What I'm trying to say is..." I hastily searched my brain for a sufficient answer. "It's... I don't think you'll like it..." 

"Bollocks!" Prince George exclaimed. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it." I frowned. Should I fight it?

Fuck it, this could help me with my orders, right?

"Well, alright... If you say so...." I sighed in defeat. Prince George's eyes lit up with joy. 

"Alright, then let's get going!" He smiled. "We don't have all day!" He grabbed my arm, basically dragging me to the stables. 

"Good afternoon, Prince George!" I saw a man petting a horse in the stables. He wore round glasses, brunette hair and black clothing to match. 

"Afternoon, Samuel," He smiled at the man, not letting go of my arm. The man glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"Who is he?" He asked. 

"Ah!" Prince George promptly lets go of my arm, pointing at me. "Samuel this is Aaron Burr," He introduced me as he slightly pushed me forward to greet Samuel. Samuel reluctantly held out for me to shake. 

Ah, an introvert, such as I. 

"My name is Samuel Seabury," He smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sir Aaron Burr of America," I returned the smile. 

"Well, we have to take off, Samuel!" I heard Prince George say behind me. I turned around and I realized that Prince George had already climbed onto a horse and is waiting for me outside the stable. I took one last look at Samuel before saddling a horse and leading it out the stables. I climbed on and gave Prince George a small nod. 

"Lead the way," Prince George said. Our horses trotted through the town, out the gates, and into the nearby woods. It was quiet...and peaceful. Something you don't really get in New Jersey or Maryland. 

The birds tweeted as they perched on trees, the sounds of rushing water soon flooding my ears. It's been three days since I visited the woods and I already missed its peaceful sounds. I breathed in the fresh air spring had to offer. I slowly breathed out with a smile. 

"You really do like it here don't you?" Prince George asked as his horse trotted alongside mine. I led him astray from the main road and deeper into the forest we went. 

"Huh?" I asked, turning to him but returned to facing forwards."Oh! Yeah, I really do like the forest."

He hummed a response before asking another question. "How so? Most knights love to stay by the King's side. Which means inside the town with lots of mead."

"Well, I guess I'm not a knight," I shrugged, slowing down a little bit. Prince George slowed down as well, turning his head so he was looking at me. 

"Just because you don't like being in town like most knights, doesn't discriminate you from them. You're just unique that's all..." He smiled at me. "Plus, I saw how you fight. You're more than qualified as a knight of America." 

I said nothing in return. I don't know how to. Should I thank him? Should I prove that he's wrong? 

Before I could say anything, I had stopped my horse in front of a small lake. I hopped off, my feet landing on the grass with a small 'thump'

"We're here," I said softly to Prince George who had followed suit and had also jumped off his horse. He both tied our horses to a nearby tree, leaving them there to wander off and do whatever Prince George wanted to do. 

"It's really peaceful here," Prince George hummed as we both sat under a tree near the water. I nodded in agreement. 

"It's actually nice to have peace and quiet once in awhile," He said after a small period of silence. I nodded again. Right now, I didn't know what to say to him. 

"At what time of day is the most beautiful here?" Prince George had turned his head, looking at me. I could feel his stare on me so I kept my eyes on the sparkling water which reflected the sky. 

"At night," I muttered shyly. "When the stars come out, the water reflects them and they look like diamonds." I held my knees close to my chest, resting my head atop of them. The silence between us didn't affect me at first. I was quite used to it since it's always the same between me and the knights. But the longer I stayed by his side, the bigger my embarrassment grew. He probably thinks this place is boring. He probably thinks I'm boring. Why am I even thinking this way? I shouldn't care. He's just like every other knight. He doesn't want anything to do with me. 

"Tell me about yourself, Burr," Prince George spoke after some silence. 

"What would you like to know?" I asked, my eyes tracing the gentle ripples on the water. 

"What kind of flowers do you like?" 

"Hydrangeas. I only saw them once, traveling through Delaware, I stopped by a town. A merchant was selling them. Though I was 19 at the time and was getting low on money, I didn't buy them. Shame though, they were a beauty." Prince George didn't say anything. I looked at him from the side and he seemed to be thinking, a small smile plastered on his face. 

I shook my head lightly, looking back at the lake. 

After a while of just listening to the sounds of birds and croaks of frogs, I decided to stand up, dusting myself off. 

"We should get back to Maryland," I said to Prince George. "I don't want to stay out of town for long with Lafayette as hot-headed as he is right now." Prince George nodded in agreement before picking himself off the floor with a small groan. 

"I think that's a good idea. Edward must be looking everywhere for me." Prince George untied both our horses from the tree before hopping onto his. I hopped onto my horse before nodding to him. He gave me a small smile before we started to head back towards Maryland. 


I'm not taking this fanfiction seriously unlike Snowflakes so, if I write something that's stupid, please don't kill me. This story is just for shits and giggles. 

~Ly <3

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