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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

Lafayette and I stood in front of the King, staring at him as he seemed to be thinking.

"Frederick has decided to stay another fortnight..." Washington mumbled ever so quietly that I had almost missed what he said. "It's only been a day and I already see his soldiers snooping around the castle!" He growled, slamming his fist on the throne.

"Lafayette, Burr!" He ordered, at which Lafayette and I straightened our postures. "I want you two to find out their plans. It doesn't matter how you do it, just don't get caught alright?" 

"Sire, I understand Lafayette, but why me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"I had also summoned Mulligan but I had sent him out with a sentry moments earlier. But, I chose you since you actually know when to keep your mouth shut," Washington huffed.

"Yeah, unlike Alexander," Lafayette snickered.

"Precisely, now get out," Washington pointed at the door. Lafayette and I bowed our heads slightly before walking out and into the hallway. Lafayette and I returned to the training grounds silently, each in our own worlds at the moment. 

I honestly do not know where to start...

Why would Washington choose me? I have no social skills whatsoever so bribing one of the knights isn't going to work. Plus, a knight is sworn to their king for life. I'll just get myself killed if I even dare to bribe one of them. 

Pry and look for evidence? No, that's Mulligan's job. 

"Lafayette you're back!" Hamilton called out to us, kicking me out of my thoughts. He walked over to us with a grin. 

"What's so funny?" Lafayette asked with a raised brow. 

"Nothing, just that Jefferson is in Madison's chambers once again," Hamilton snickered. "I swear, there was no wound or anything but Madison just wanted to double check so he basically dragged Jefferson to his chamber," He laughed, causing Lafayette to chuckle as well. 

We all stood by the other knights who all straightened themselves as Lafayette walked by. 

"Lee and Laurens," Lafayette didn't hesitate to say before he turned around to watch the two men walk to grab a sword and shield from the racks. The match started immediately, Lee being the coward he is, tried to step back as he blocked Laurens' quick attacks. 

"Hmm, it seems you're back," I heard someone say to my side. I turned my head to see Prince George, his hands behind his back and his eyes glued to the fight in front of us. 

"It seems I am," I shrugged, emitting a small scoff from Prince George. "And it seems that you're still here."

"Well, yes, my brother decided to explore the town for a bit. I decided to stay and..." He took a small breath. "Watch how America's knights fight." 

I turned my head back to the fight. Surprisingly, Lee had Laurens on the floor though Laurens kicked his leg with such force that Lee fell backward, screaming. 

"Shit!" I heard Lafayette gasp as he ran out to the field to crouch by Lee. 

"America's knights train... brutally, don't they?" I heard Prince George say. 

I shook my head as I watched Laurens pick himself up from the floor and crouched by Lee as well. 

"Nope," I said. "It's only Laurens who does this. I can't believe Lafayette paired him with Lee without hesitation..." I held back a laugh. Lee complained about something which caused Lafayette to stand up with a small roll of his eyes. 

"Lee, your leg is not broken, you're overreacting..." Lafayette huffed. Laurens poked Lee's Leg where he had kicked it. Lee smacked the back of his head causing Laurens to growl at him. 

"Stop touching it!" Lee barked. 

"I'm just seeing if it's not broken!" Laurens barked back. 

"If it really was broken, then I would be screaming out in pain if you touched it, dumbass!"

Laurens perked up, gasping and pointing at Lee. "He admits it! It's not broken!"

"Shut the fuck up, Laurens!" 

"No, you-"

"Enough you two!" Lafayette kicked Laurens over so he was laying on his back next to Lee. Lafayette unsheathed his sword and harshly stuck it in the small space between the two knights. "I've had enough of your childish bickering!" He snarled. "For once, act like proper knights of America!"

I heard Prince George snort as I let out a small sigh. 

"They are idiots..." I mumbled. 

"I never expected to see this in America," Prince George sounded surprised. I would too if I was a prince of another kingdom and see idiotic knights in their enemy's kingdom who they've been losing to for the past few months. 

I watched as Lafayette took the sword from the ground, his face full of fury. 

"What's he doing?" Prince George asked. 

"Well, you're about to see," I answered. 

Lafayette growled, stepping on Lee's stomach, applying more pressure with each passing second. Soon enough, Lee was apologizing hastily, pleading for Lafayette to stop. He did, and right when he lifted his foot, Lee scrambled to his feet and scampered off. Lafayette then glared at Laurens who peeped out a small sorry. Lafayette grabbed Laurens' sword (which was on the ground) and stabbed the dirt right next to Laurens' head- probably a centimeter away. And with that Lafayette turned to us, fire in his eyes that basically told us to get out of his sight. 

"Well....that was.... harsh..." Prince George said. I watched Hamilton run up to a gasping Laurens', helping him off the ground. 

"That's not the harshest thing Lafayette had done," I frowned as I watched Lafayette storm off, his dark blue cloak slightly flying behind him. Something was on his mind. Did Washington say something that pissed him off?

"What'd he do?" Prince George asked. 

"He almost broke a knight's hand just for talking back rudely to him," I replied

"Does he do this all the time?" Prince George asked as I walked off, him following close behind. 

"Not really, he's actually a pretty nice person most of the time," I said. "Seeing him like this is such a surprising sight."

"Well, Burr," Prince George walked faster, facing me and stopping me in my tracks. "I'd like to know you more. Maybe we could go to the tavern today? Have a cold tankard full of mead and just have a swell time," Prince George smiled at me. "What do you say?" 

I frowned at him with a small annoyed look. 

I don't have anything to do today... And I was hoping to just sit by a tree and read...

"I don't really like to drink," I said, looking up at him. 

"That's alright!" Prince George nodded slightly. "We could still talk, right?" 

His pale blue eyes glimmered with some sort of happiness that made it hard for me to say no to. 


"Well... Alright..." I shrugged as Prince George beamed and walked to the nearest tavern. 

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