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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

I smiled at George as we stopped in front of a small hill. 

"Just up this hill, princess," George hummed. He held out his hand which I took with a curious look. He led me up the hill, enjoying how he never let go of my hand. The sun was on the brink of setting at this point. George intended to take me once training had finished but he decided against it and decided that sundown would be a better time. 

I seemed reluctant at first since I would be missing supper and Lafayette would be asking where I would be. Not to mention Mulligan. He's sure to ask questions after what happened earlier this morning. But no matter. A few questions can be answered if it means getting to spend some time with George. But then, it is Mulligan and he's the best scout Maryland or the other 12 kingdoms has. So, he'll have no trouble separating lies from truth. 

I stumbled over my feet, George catching me before I could fall. 

"Are you alright, Aaron?" George asked. I loved it how he would call me by my first name. At first, I didn't expect it since I was always referred to as Burr by everyone. 

"I'm fine," I huffed. I tried to walk but George held me in place. He cupped my cheek to which I leaned into instinctively. The leather of his gloves was cold though I could still feel the slight warmth of his hand. 

"Something's bothering you, isn't there?" He muttered quietly. "What is it?"

"It's alright, George, you have nothing to be concerned about," I placed my hand over his with a smile. "Just, continue walking." George frowned though nodded. We continued walking up the hill. Right as we reached the peak, George stopped and turned to me. He let go of my hand and untied a strip of cloth that was around his arm.

"Do you trust me?" George asked.

More than I know...

I nodded and tensed when George tied the cloth around my head, covering my eyes. I relaxed as I felt his hands fall to my shoulders.

"Is it too tight?" George asked. I shook my head as a response. I heard him walking around me and felt as he gripped my shoulders from behind. He urged me to walk- which I did by the way- though I was completely unaware of my surroundings.

"Don't worry, I'll guide you," George assured me. I continued walking up the hill with George guiding me. I felt the ground flatten a little and George grip my shoulders a little tighter to urge me to stop. George untied the cloth. I kept my eyes closed as he removed it. I slowly opened them to see a beautiful sunset over a field of flowers. It was... absolutely gorgeous. This was probably something you would read in an old tale from one of Madison's books. It seemed so surreal.

"Do you like it?" George quietly asked.

"'Like it' is such an understatement, George," I chuckled. "Its probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"Glad to hear it," George sighed, hugging me from behind.

I welcomed his warm embrace, pressing closer to him. I don't think I can ever use him to follow any of Washington's orders. There must be some other way. I could always convince Washington that Britain isn't going to attack us or George was in the dark the whole time. Or maybe I can get Hamilton to convince Washington to actually make peace with King Frederick. Though for what price? I know Hamilton's not going to complete any favors I ask for him without a price. I know he's going to ask something stupid. Like...

"From this moment, you'll be my servant!"

Or something along the line of:

"Every morning, you shall greet me with enthusiasm. Treat me as if I was a Lord and not a fellow knight,"

But I'll sacrifice whatever dignity I have for George. 

"You're still thinking aren't you?" George asked. I didn't answer him. I didn't want to burden him with my problems. George turned me around so I was facing him. He held both my hands, pulling my gloves off.

"Aaron, tell me what's wrong," George sighed.

"I already told you," I muttered. "Its nothing you should be worried about." George kissed my knuckles causing my cheeks to heat up.

"It's my concern if it's troubling you," George assured me. I huffed, nodding.

"Of course..." George smiled which I returned.

"We should head back," I said after a small moment of silence. George nodded.

"I think it was worth it," I smiled.

"Worth what?"

"Missing supper. I think going here was worth- probably more- missing supper." I laughed to which George smiled small.

"Don't worry, Princess," George said. "You can have supper with me."

I smiled. "I would like that."

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