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Aaron Burr's P.O.V. 

"Aaron Burr, Sir!" Hamilton called out to me as I entered the small dining room. I rolled my eyes at the small nickname he gave me a long time ago. I remember, he gave me that nickname, the day after Washington knighted us. I saw him at the head of the table, reading some book, on one hand, an apple on the other. His feet were on the table, taking a bite of the apple. 

"What brings you here?" He asked. 

"Uhm..." I raised an eyebrow. "Breakfast...?"

"Are you always this early?" Hamilton asked, not taking his eyes from his book. I took a seat at the table, grabbing a plate. 

"Are you?" I retorted, taking some food and placing them on my plate. 

"Nope," Hamilton hummed. "I'm always late, haven't you noticed?" 

"No, because I always leave before you ever arrived," I laughed at which Hamilton rolled his eyes at. "Now, why are you here this early and why are you sitting in Lafayette's seat?" 

"Well, I don't see him here so... First come, first serve?" Hamilton shrugged. "And I'm as surprised as you are. I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get breakfast."

"Yeah well, Lafayette's going to carry you out of that chair if he has to," I shook my head lightly before taking a bite out of a piece of bread. 

"I'd rather die," Hamilton chuckled. 

"Well, you're going to if you don't get out of that chair," I pointed at him. The door opened to Lafayette who sighed once he saw Hamilton in his chair. 

"Get your feet off the table, Alex," Lafayette sat across from me with a small sigh. Hamilton and I glanced at each other as he slowly removed his feet from the table. Lafayette looked at us with a confused look. 

"Are you two alright?" Lafayette asked. 

Hamilton huffed. "Just peachy." 

Slowly, the knights all walked into the room, taking a seat and beginning to eat their breakfast. Right when I finished mine, Mulligan had taken a seat next to me. 

"Good morning, Burr," Mulligan greeted as he placed some food on his plate. I raised an eyebrow at Mulligan. It was normal for Mulligan to greet everyone once he enters but he didn't really greet anyone specifically. Unless it's Lafayette or someone of importance. And right now, I'm not that important.

Did I do something wrong? Please don't tell me he's looking for a book to burn for tonight... Or maybe he needs another favor from me. Probably something to do with the tavern. I'm good friends with the tavern-keeper and it's not a surprise if Mulligan has some debts to pay or made a commotion in the tavern last night. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Uhm..." I started. "Good morning, Mulligan." 

"How was your slumber?" Mulligan asked. 

"Great," I answered. "Actually far from great."

"Oh?" Mulligan glanced at me with a curious look. "How so?"

"Well, I just felt very refreshed when I woke up, that's all," I said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some matters to attend to."

"Indeed you do,"  Mulligan scoffed as I stood up. I walked out the dining room, confused. Why did Mulligan do that just now? I'm sure he got something on his mind to do that. It's probably something that concerns me.

"Good morning princess," George said as he approached me.   

"Oh, hi," I smiled at him. 

"Is that how the Knights of America greet each other?" George laughed as he stopped in front of me. 

"Nope," I smiled at him. "Just me."

"Well, that's why I'm so fond of you," George said. "You're different from the others." George pressed his lips together for a moment. "Say, do you have anything to do at the moment?" 

"Well, I do have training in an hour or so," I said to him. George frowned and nodded lightly. "Why, do you have something in mind for today?" I already felt a smile tugging on my lips. 

"Perhaps," George mumbled with a small chuckle. 

"Please, do enlighten me," I said. 

"Well, a little bird has told me that in the forests nearby, there is a small... meadow of some sort and I intend to take you there today and maybe give you a gift," George mumbled the last part. 

"I look forward to it," I smiled small before walking past him. 


Thank you all for 300 reads! <3

~Ly <3

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