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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

"Ah, Burr!" Lafayette called out to me as I approached him. He raised an eyebrow with a frown. "Where were you? Hamilton and Jefferson almost got into a fight in front of King Frederick and his men! You were supposed to be here as my backup!" He crossed his arms. 

"I decided to take a short walk," I shrugged, taking a seat next to Lafayette. 

"A short walk that took almost an hour?" Lafayette snorted, rolling his eyes. 

"Exactly," I chuckled grabbing my book. "I'm going to retire for the day, good luck," I nudged him as I poured more mead into a tankard and exited the room, book in hand. As I walked toward my chamber, I took small sips of my mead. 

Though my mind kept going to Prince George. 

I nearly choked on my drink as I kept replaying the scene where he smiled at me, his pale blue eyes amused. 

What am I thinking of?!

I walked into my chambers, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. I'm finally alone and safe from whatever tonight was... 

I sat on a nearby chair, groaning as I stretched. I heard my joints crack as I let out a small satisfied sigh. I settled my book on a table and started unbuckling my boots, slipping it off right after. I untied my cloak, standing up to hang it on a nearby rack. I took off my surcoat and hauberk before changing into more comfortable clothing. Right when I slipped under my covers, I heard a knock on the door. I decided to ignore it.

Hopefully, they'll go away... 

But alas, they didn't. 

Instead, they opened the door and stared at me as I stared back. 

"What do you want?" I groaned sitting up, squinting to try to see who was at the door. There was a silence between us, giving my eyes a chance to adjust to the darkness. I could see the white hair. Red cloak, the circlet. 

Prince fucking George...

"If you're not going to say anything, maybe you should shut the door and get out," I grumbled, glaring at Prince George. 

"Oh, Right..." He exclaimed. "Sorry for entering like that. I didn't know where my chambers were and there was no answer so I thought-"

"Just save it," I sighed. "I don't really care if you barge in or not. Just close the door on your way out," I said as I laid back down. 

"Sorry," Prince George called out one more time before shutting the door.

Finally, some peace and quiet!


O o f, finally I posted another chapter >.>

I've been busy lately and now that winter break is finally here, I CAN FINALLY WRITE TO MY HEART'S CONTENT!


~Ly <3

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