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George William Frederick's P.O.V.

Aaron opened the door to the physician's chambers and walked in, me behind him. The physician- or Madison- stood behind a table, making some remedy. He kind of resembled that knight from yesterday... Uh... what's his name again? Mulligan! Madison looked like Mulligan. Though Madison was much shorter. He wore glasses as well and limped from one side of the room to the other. 

"Madison, I got your herbs," Aaron called out to Madison as he settled the basket full of herbs on the table. Madison turned around and smiled once he saw Aaron. 

"Thanks, Burr!" He said, walking over to the table to sift through the basket. "Honestly, I expected you to take longer."

Aaron crossed his arm and scoffed, which I thought was cute. "I hope it's enough, I didn't know how much you needed."

"It's more than enough, but whatever," Madison shrugged. He turned to me with a raised eyebrow. 

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but... What are you doing here?" 

"I decided to tag along with Aaron," I shrugged. I noticed Burr flinch. Maybe because it's the first time I've actually called him by his first name. It was an accident, I'll make sure I don't do it again. 

"Is that all you needed?" Aaron asked before Madison could say anything. Madison gave Aaron a skeptical look before shaking his head.

"No, that should be about it. Thanks again, Burr," Madison said as he continued to work on his remedy. 

"Hey, Burr?" Madison asked before we could exit. Madison reached into the basket and took out the rose I had given Aaron earlier with a raised eyebrow. "What's this doing here? I never asked for any... roses..." I saw Aaron's face flush red before he quietly walked over to Madison and snatched the rose from him. Aaron and I walked out Madison chambers. Right when we exited, Aaron grabbed my arm, stopping me. 

"Can you..." He pressed his lips together before continuing. "Can you meet me again tonight?" He muttered ever so softly that I had almost missed it. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course, what time?" I asked. 

"Midnight? If that's alright?" Aaron asked. 

"Of course, that's alright," I chuckled. Aaron nodded with a small smile and walked off to start his daily orders which were probably to guard the castle. 

 I walked off to find Edward. 

Aaron was beautiful no doubt about that. It's just that, I know that I'll never be able to be with him. I'm the heir to the throne once Father dies. I'm expected to be the best for my people. And that's certainly not going to happen if their king is performing unholy acts. If Father ever found out, he would be so disappointed. 

I want to stop myself from doing anything rash. Though I don't think I can refuse him with that smile of his. Although I need to control myself. If I get any closer than I am now, I'll end up hurting him. I want us to just stay as friends. Though my heart is telling me otherwise. 

I found Edward charming some maiden. I watched quietly until the maiden gasped and slapped Edward. The maiden stormed off as Edward rubbed his cheek. I laughed as I approached him. His face reddened at the sight of me. 

"Shut up will you?"Edward grumbled, crossing his arms. 

"What did you tell her anyway?" I chuckled. 

"I told her that she's as beautiful as that plant," Edward sighed. 

"And what did you point at?" I tried to hold in my laughs. 

"I tried pointing at a flower but I guess she thought I was pointing at a cactus that sat next to the flower," Edward huffed. 

"It's alright Edward," I patted his back. "One day, you'll find your queen." 

"I could say the same to you," Edward smiled at me. "Now c'mon, Father requires our presence once more."


Edward is me trying to flirt.

~Ly <3

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