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Aaron Burr's P.O.V. 

The feast, so far, was boring. 

There was not much happening. Well, not much interesting things.

Though, at one point, a jester had entertained the court which was... I guess, satisfactory?

I frowned. 

The "Great" knights of America are now drunk of their asses. 

All except Lafayette and Mulligan of course. Though they are the heaviest drinkers, they are actually responsible and never get drunk at a time need. 

And the night is still young and the peace treaty has not been signed yet. In about two days, as what I was told, is when they will sign it. 

I let out my probably seventh sigh as my eyes turned towards my book which sat on the table close to Lafayette. I was tempted to get it but due to past experience, I would probably be hit with a spoon by Lafayette. 

I looked up, glancing from across the room. I caught sight of the two princes, talking to each other and the knights around them. 

The one on the right seemed to not really interest me. Though, the one on the left... Was a different story. 

He took after the King Frederick's image, with his white hair and pale blue eyes. His white hair was pulled into a ponytail, secured by a black bow. Like his brother, he wore a circlet and a red cloak. And he wore what the other knights wore. Red surcoat, hauberk, gauntlets, linen clothing, leather boots, etcetera, etcetera. He laughed at some joke I couldn't hear. 

He seemed... interesting...

"Interested in the princes, I see?" Lafayette laughed. 

"Hm?" I asked, turning towards him.

"There," Lafayette looked over across the room where I previously was looking. "The one on the right is Prince Edward. The second oldest son of King Frederick." Lafayette downed his mead. "The one on the left is Prince George William Frederick. The oldest son of King Frederick. I hear he's also the best knight Britain has," Lafayette chuckled. "I wish to challenge him one day. He seems like someone who can give me a good fight!" Lafayette beamed. 

"So, he's the future King of Britain?" I asked. Lafayette hummed in agreement as he poured more mead into his tankard.

"He certainly fits the role for a king," Lafayette said. "Confident, Strong, Wise." Lafayette thought. "Cocky..." Lafayette and I laughed at his joke. I raised my tankard, softly hitting it against Lafayette's.

"To our new allies," I smiled. Lafayette returned the smile.

"To our new allies," He echoed before drinking his liquor.

I was editing this during band practice and my fingers hurt from having to play so much :')

~Ly <3

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