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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

"So, where have you been?"

I nearly damn leaped out of my skin as I entered my room and hear a voice. I see Mulligan sitting at my desk, his feet on the table as he flipped through pages of my books. I expected this. Though not this soon.

"What are you doing in my chambers?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah about that," Mulligan shut the book and placed it on the table. "I saw you enter the castle earlier so I decided to wait in your room. But I did not expect you to take so damn long. What were you doing?"

"I ate since I missed supper," I answered. That was true by the way. I had supper with George- which was absolutely delightful- since we both missed supper.

"I didn't think you'd take this long to eat alone," Mulligan said.

"I took my time. And I decided to read before I decided to retire."

"Then where's your book? I know you never leave your book out in the open especially with Alexander living in the same castle as you," Mulligan pried.

"I got it from the library."

"The priest closes the library at..." Mulligan looked out the window. "Close to midnight it seems."

Mulligan looked back at me, staring me down. I felt very small at the moment. Most of the time, the other knights didn't intimidate me. Though with Mulligan here on the verge of unraveling my secrets, It's a damn good excuse to be afraid. 

"Okay, maybe you should answer my original question," Mulligan removed his feet from the table and straightened his posture. "Where have you been?" Before I could speak, Mulligan silenced me. "And there's no use lying."

He's right. Though, there's no reason not to try.

"An old woman lost her precious necklace. The only remaining thing from her husband and kindly asked me to retrieve it from her. Of course, I thought she just lost it in some bush but apparently a small group of bandits- probably made up of two or three- took it from her. So I defeated the bandits, got the necklace and returned it to the woman."

"Alright," Mulligan stood up from his seat. "That was a nice try. I'm proud of you but... you're going to have to try harder." Mulligan sighed. "Have you been with Prince George again?"

I tensed up, balling my hands into fists.

"C'mon Burr. I saw you two last night. There's no denying it," Mulligan whispered to which I sighed. "I saw how he held you close and heard most of everything he said to you." Mulligan started pacing the room. "He has some feelings for you, doesn't he?"

"I don't think so..." I murmured.

"Are you lying? Or was Prince George actually correct in calling you oblivious?" Mulligan chuckled. "Also, I find it odd that he calls you princess." Mulligan stopped in front of me. "You do also know, what you're doing is against the law. You're lucky I was the only one who saw you two. What if Washington saw? You're going to be stripped off of your title and if he's compassionate enough, he'll banish you from the kingdom."

I nodded. "I'm fully aware of the consequences."

"Then why do it Burr?" Mulligan asked quietly. "You know that you and Prince George can never be together. You're just going to get your heart shattered into small pieces. And with Washington's suspicions, it's not long until he'll be forced to leave soon. And if he is innocent, he'll have to leave anyway and return to his kingdom. He can't stay forever."

I nodded as I let out a shaky breath. "I know..."

"Just..." Mulligan placed a hand on my shoulder. "I think it's best if you stop seeing him. Stop letting him hold you. It's the best for the both of you," Mulligan said before walking out my chambers. I felt my eyes water.

I didn't think I would ever cry for a Prince. I didn't think I would care so much about him. I didn't think I would ever fall in love with him.

We've only known each other for a short time but it feels like I've known him for years and I could trust him with my life.

I jumped as I heard a knock at the door. I pulled off my gloves before I wiped at my eyes, wiping away any tears. Once I looked presentable enough, I walked to the door and opened it.

George was there with a small smile. I noticed that his gloves were off and that he held them, fidgeting with them.

"I came to say goodnight," George said. I nodded with a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow," George took my hand and kissed it.

"Goodnight, Aaron," And with that George walked off, down the hall and towards his chambers.


Okok, so I'm working on a new story so I'll be updating less of this story. Though, I'll probably finish this first since I don't want to handle two stories at once....
Btw, the new story is a Jeffmads.

~ Ly <3

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