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Aaron Burr's P.O.V

"Hey, Jemmy," Jefferson muttered out to Madison who was replacing my bandages.

"Yes, Thomas?" Madison asked, examining the wound.

"What's got Burr lookin' like he just murdered somebody and he's contemplating where he should hide the body?" Jefferson asked, raising an eyebrow from where sat across from Madison. Madison looked up at Jefferson before glancing at me. He glanced back at Jefferson before starting to wrap fresh new bandages.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Thomas," Madison replied. "He looks fine."

"His eyes are like, filled with murder," Jefferson mumbled under his breath. I shot him a small glare which he replied with a small roll of his eyes.

It was- in some level- true. I did want to kill someone. I wanted to kill. George.

"Well maybe because he's mad at Prince George," Madison shrugged causing me to choke on air.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jefferson asked, leaning over and helping Madison tighten the bandages.

"Thank you," Madison smiled. "But, when Prince George left yesterday, I heard Burr mutter some curse words and you know.... death wishes..."


Madison glanced up at Jefferson, pushing up his glasses. "Weren't you part of the patrol a couple days ago? Did something happen?"

"Other than Burr dying? No, why?" Jefferson chuckled causing me to kick him with my uninjured leg.

"When my leg heals, I'll make sure to stab your leg during training," I grumbled. Madison finished my bandages with a small chuckle.

"In two days, you can sleep in your own room if you'd like," Madison said as he stood from his seat and beckoned Jefferson to come over.

"Burr, we'll be out for awhile. If it starts hurting, I made some painkillers. It's on the table next to you," Madison pointed at the bottle filled with dark blue fluid atop a table.

"Don't go anywhere, Burr!" Madison called out as Jefferson dragged him out the room.

I grabbed one of Madison's book about magical creatures and legends next to the bed and started reading. A quarter into the book is when I heard the door creak open.

I thought it was Madison returning from his adventures with Jefferson to who knows where so I didn't bother to look up from my book.

"Good afternoon, Aaron!" I heard a very annoying voice greet me. I almost shut the book and hit my head with it. Almost. Though instead, I shut the book and threw it at George. He dodged the attack (Sadly) and smiled at me.

"Nice to see you too!" He chirped. He pulled up a chair next to my bed and took a seat. 

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly. "And where's Edward? Isn't he a dog? He's always following you everywhere."

"Haha," George sarcastically laughed. "But seriously, I managed to escape Edward so I have as much as a few minutes to a few hours with you." 

"Oh, joy," I sighed. 

"C'mon, Aaron!" George smiled. "Please?"

I sighed rolling my eyes, thinking for a minute. I raised both my arms in the air and glanced at him. He raised his eyebrow in confusion before I rolled my eyes.

"What? You think I'll walk with a stab wound on my leg?" I asked. "You'll have to carry me if you want me to go anywhere."

"Oh! Right," George nodded as he leaned over and wrapped an arm around my leg and another behind my back. I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a small nod.

"So, where we going?" I asked.

"You'll see..." George smiled.

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