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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

"Where did you come from?" Prince George asked with a sweet smile. 

"Excuse me?" I asked, not really paying attention. 

"Well, everyone's from somewhere, aren't they?" He asked, sipping a little of his mead. "So, why are you any different? Well, unless you were from here; Virginia?"

"Ah," I shook my head lightly. "I actually traveled here from the town of New Jersey,"

"Hm, Jersey..." Prince George nodded. "I heard that's one of the dangerous places in this kingdom.'

I laughed quietly. "It's mostly true since everything is legal in New Jersey!" I softly smiled at him. He smiled back once he placed down his tankard.

Everything became quiet all of the sudden.

Well, not literally.

I could still see everyone's mouths moving. They still seemed to be talking to each other. Though, I couldn't hear any of it.

My eyes followed Prince George's movements; how he played with his fingers. How he slightly pressed his lips together. How his pale blue eyes met mine, which caused my face to heat up and upon instinct, I looked down.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I looked up a little, not having much courage to stare at him. I saw a small smile tugging at his lips and at that moment, I wanted to clog his head. I looked back down, the heat on my cheeks lessening.

"Just... reading a book... That's all," I mumbled.

"Pardon me but..." He paused for a moment. "Isn't that your book on the table?"

And at that moment I wanted Hamilton to kill me, shoot me with a crossbow and throw me in the river.

My face was burning as I slowly reached out for my book, dragging it across the table towards me. I didn't even have the guts to look at Prince George. Man, I'm more of a coward than Lee. Prince George let out a breathless laugh before letting out a small hum of approvement.

"You know, I've only talked to a few of the Knights of America, but I think you're the most amusing," He smiled at me and I swear, that I felt my heart skip three beats.

"Well, uh...thanks," I shrugged, trying to play it off like nothing had happened. "I'm usually the quiet one."

"Hm, well my father always jokes about the quiet one always being the loudest in bed," He winked at me causing my cheeks to burn up even more.

I coughed quietly, letting out a small forced laugh. "Well, you're not so bad yourself..." He smiled at me with small fondness in his eyes. 

"I don't know why father decided to have a war with your kingdom a long time ago," Prince George shrugged. "Your kingdom is actually a fun place, I'm glad my father is forcing me to stay another fortnight," He hummed. Then, it struck me. 

My orders. I had forgotten about them... 

"Well... Why is your father forcing you to stay a couple more weeks?" I asked carefully, looking at Prince George. 

"Well, he didn't really tell me," Prince George replied with a small frown. "I was reluctant to agree but he's the king. I don't really have a say in it."

My eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up. "But you're the prince! You're his first-born are you not?" 

"Actually, wrong," He held up a finger. "His first-born is actually my sister; Princess Augusta. She's actually here but she didn't come to the celebration last night." He shrugged. 

"But you're the next king!" I exclaimed. "Your father should at least listen to your decisions."

Prince George let out a small laugh. "Well, it's his decision anyway. Plus, I see no harm in staying a couple more weeks in America," He flashed me an amused look. "At least I have more time to talk to you!"

My cheeks felt warm. 

Okay, okay, hold on! Snap out of it. Let's go back to my orders. 


Either Prince George really has no fucking clue why his father decided to stay a little longer, or he's really good at lying. 

"Well anyway, I'd like to explore the town!" Prince George's face lit up. "Maybe you could show me around?" 

I hesitated before nodding, standing up and grabbing my book. Prince George left some schillings on the table before leaving the loud tavern with me. 

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