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Aaron Burr's P.O.V.

"Fuck!" Hamilton growled as his sword clashed with Mulligan's. 

"C'mon Alex, give up!" Mulligan laughed, raising his shield to block Hamilton's attack. 

"How 'bout you shut the fuck up and let me focus!" Hamilton barked causing some of the knights to chuckle as they continued to train. At one point, Mulligan kneed Hamilton's stomach, though Hamilton did not back down. He just took a deep breath and continued lashing out at Mulligan. 

"That's one thing I like about ya, kid!" Mulligan exclaimed as he clashed his shield against Hamilton's causing Hamilton's footing to falter and fall back. Mulligan pointed his sword at Hamilton before he could get up. "You just don't know when to give up." 

It's true. The man's non-stop.

Mulligan held out a hand for Hamilton to take who hesitated before taking it. Mulligan huffed, patting Hamilton's back. 

"You gave me a good fight today, kid." Mulligan laughed as he and Hamilton stood on the side. Lafayette observed us, his gaze resting on me. 

"Burr," Lafayette called out. 

Not surprising. I'm usually the one called on since I'm always reading instead of training. 

"Jefferson," Lafayette instructed. I sighed, unsheathing my sword and grabbing a shield from the rack. Jefferson and I got into position, getting ready for the match. 

"Hey, Burr!" Jefferson called out with a grin. "If that sword's too heavy for ya, maybe you could fight with a book instead!" He laughed along with some others. 

"Well, let's just hope you don't end up in Madison's chambers again today. Seriously, what do you do there? Get down on your knees and-"

"Alright!" Lafayette interrupted, shooting me an amused smile. "Ready?"

Jefferson and I nodded in agreement. 


Jefferson and I circled around each other, our shields close to our faces as we both glared daggers at each other. And then I forgot that I wasn't fighting Hamilton and Jefferson is willing to wait. 

"I know your tricks, Burr!" Jefferson called out. "I know you always wait for your opponent to strike first!"

"Damn, he got you there, Burr!" Laurens called out from the small crowd. I sighed softly, before I swung my sword quickly, barely scraping Jefferson's shield. Though, Jefferson- who was expecting an attack from above- raised his shield slightly, covering his face and giving me an opportunity to attack his legs. 

I took that chance, clashing my shield against Jeffersons', his feet stumbling back though he kept his footing. Before he could resist any further, I kicked his shin, making him stumble back slightly. Using my whole body weight, I clashed my shield unto his once more, fully knocking him down. I swung my sword but Jefferson managed to block it with his shield. 

"Shit!" Jefferson said through gritted teeth. 

"Yeah Burr, fuck him up!" Hamilton cheered. I growled, lashing my sword once again though Jefferson had rolled to the side and got up. Everyone cheered except for Hamilton who was grumbling and Lafayette who was smiling and shaking his head. 

"I'm not going down that easily, Burr!" Jefferson chuckled as he moved forward, swinging his sword. I didn't have enough time to dodge so instead I had blocked it with my sword, the first sound of metal hitting each other stinging my ears. 

"Ya givin' up yet?" Jefferson asked as he kept swinging his sword, prompting me to block it with my shield as I stepped back. I didn't give a response except for small pants. I looked for an opening. Something. Anything! 

Then I saw Madison watching the fight with admiration in his eyes. He stood with the cheering crowd, though he was easy to miss and was quiet. Jefferson swung his sword as I blocked it with my shield. I pushed him back slightly and swung my sword, hitting the top of his shield. He swung his sword in retaliation though I had side-stepped, turning and swinging my sword which harshly hit his back, the hauberk clanging. Jefferson fell to the ground as I tried to catch my breath. Everyone cheered though Madison had run to Jefferson, checking for any bleeding. 

I smiled to myself as I watched Jefferson get up, ignoring Madison's protests. 

I just embarrassed Jefferson in front of his crush... 

I quietly sheathed my sword and returned the shield to the rack. 

"That was a really exciting fight!" I heard someone say to me. I turned my head, seeing Prince George and his brother. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I shrugged, facing them completely. Prince George's brother held out a hand for me to shake. 

"Prince Edward," He smiled. I shook his hand. 

"Sir Aaron Burr," I introduced myself with a small respectful bow. 

"You know my brother, right?" He asked. "He told me what had happened last night. I am so sorry he did that..." Prince Edward patted Prince George's back who had his arms crossed across his chest. 

"It's not a problem, Prince Edward," I said with a small smile. "He already apologized, you don't need to do it again."

"Burr!" Lafayette called out to me. The two princes turned around, facing Lafayette. He strode over, bending down to whisper something to me. 

"We are summoned by Washington," 

I gave him a small nod before facing the confused princes. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you today, but it seems that I have to go," I said. Prince Edward gave me a small nod though Prince George frowned. He nodded, either way, softly smiling as his brother dragged him to watch another fight.


I know real sword fights between knights barely had each other swing swords but hey, this is a fanficton so I can do whatever. Not really but- you get the point...

~Ly <3

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