Elena bridgewater

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Chapter One

Elena looked into the mirror to see two pale blue eyes looking back at her, she stood there every morning while her handmaidens dressed her, she obviously could do nothing herself she often thought. Sophie had picked out one of her shimmering silver dresses it was her favourite it made her eyes look like ice with her pale, ivory skin. Lucy gently braided her brown hair, it flowed straight down to her hips with glints of auburn shining through.

When she was finally ready she walked down to the main hall to which she was greeted by a familiar face it was her old friend Katherine, she hadn't visited for a long time. Elena and Katherine's smiles lit up as they saw each other, they had often played together as children she was two years older than Elena but they got along well. They linked arms and walked into the dining hall where her father, mother, brother and sister were already sat at. "Ah so you to have found each other then!" Her father boomed, Thomas Bridgewater was The Lord of Stonegate, his wife Lady Evelyn was a stern woman but had a kind nature to her. Elena's brother Harry was a tall boy with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, he looked gracious and strong, but there was a streak in him that made elena fill with fear. Her sister Ella was a year older than Elena, they rarely spoke and didn't have a sisterly bond that Elena had often hoped for, she didn't really have a bond with anyone in her family.

"Yes, father me and Katherine were just coming to join you for breakfast" Elena replied. Looking anxiously at her brother. They both took a seat and began eating, Elena glanced at her brother who was looking at Katherine with a sly smile on his face. The last time they had all seen each other was six years ago, they had all grown up since then. Harry was now ten and nine, Ella ten and six, Elena ten and five and Katherine ten and eight, Lady Evelyn gracefully spoke "the stark family are on their way to Stonegate, they should be here in two days"

"Yes, Eddard has sent a raven telling us the news he's bringing his wife, sons and daughters with him" Lord Thomas added.

Elena had never met the Starks before, she had heard stories about their honour and nobility but nothing more. She smiled shyly at her mother and father who eagerly looked at their daughter. "Well your mother and I have preparations to make for the trip we must get on" Lord Bridgewater said, he kissed Elena on the forehead and left with her mother.

Elena and Katherine both wandered through the gardens in the bright sun, chatting away as though they had never been apart. "What brings you here from Wedgemore? And on your own" Katherine smiled, her face glowed in the sunlight, Elena had not realised before how beautiful she was, and felt a tinge of jealousy in her. Katherine's delicate red curls were clipped up in a bun, exposing her ivory skin on her neck and collar bones, her green eyes like crystals sparkled like pools of ice. "My father told me I was to reside here until I am found a husband" Elena looked shocked towards her "already? You're only ten and seven" "that is the problem, sweet child I should already be wed, but father has dislike every suitor he has seen, but I think he has his eye on someone but I do not know" Katherine said casually.

Elena was surprised at how okay she seemed about it but she said nothing more and they carried on wandering through the gardens.

Two days had passed and everyone was rushing around making the final preparations before the Starks arrived. "Elena, where is that girl?" Lady Evelyn shouted angrily "I'll find her mother" Harry smirked he loved it when Elena was in trouble which she usually was. She was always doing something mother didn't approve of. He knocked loudly at her door. A muffled sound came from inside "yes... What is it" Harry let him self in to find Elena had just woken up and was still in bed "how can you still she in bed?" He came and sat on the edge of the bed. "I just overslept" Harry rolled his eyes in disapproval of his sister, "well mother has had you a new dress made you must put it on, hurry up" Elena obeyed, her brother stood up, he towered over her.

He roughly grabbed her by the arm "you need to do exactly what you've told while the Starks are here, do you understand? We can't afford you to mess this up for everyone" he said in a sharp voice. He tightened his grip on her arm which sent a shot of pain through her. Elena's eyes filled with terror, "I'll... I'll do as I'm told" her lips were trembling. A smile appeared on Harry's face, he liked it when he was in control, he gently let go of her arm and wiped away the tears that were starting to roll down his sisters cheeks. "Good, that's a good girl" he left her in her room shaking.

A few moments later Lucy and Sophie walked in to start and get Elena dressed and ready, Elena was wearing the dress that her mother had made for her, the detailed embroidery was glistening with threads of silver, the rest of the material was a pale blue it tightened around her petite waist and made her feel trapped in her own body, her eyes had dried now and there was only the hand marks of her brother left on her arm which was hidden by the dress. She started to make her way down to the courtyard where everyone was already stood she stood next to brother and looked out to the horses and carriages arriving. She saw banners being held with a wolf sigil.

The Starks had arrived.

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