The Maester

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Elena watched the roof of the tent as it gently flapped in the wind, Robb was still asleep his face was buried in her long hair. Elena sat up and clenched her tummy, Robb awoke "oh come back to bed... It's to cold to get up and too early" Elena smiled at Robb's words but grabbed the bucket which she used to clean Robb's armour. Her stomach hurled. Her eyes were stinging and her throat was raw. She could feel more rising in her throat, she felt like she was choking, Robb rushed and held her hair back, he rubbed her back gently.

When Elena had stopped being sick she leaned back onto the bed and held her stomach, she closed her eyes "I'll get the Maester!" Robb ran off, Elena was barely aware that Robb had left, she felt like she was swirling uncontrollably and nothing could stop it. The Maester soon came in, Indira followed him, he felt her forehead "she has a temperature, she could have a fever again" Elena opened her eyes warily. "It's okay you rest my dear, you might have just eaten something that didn't agree with you" Elena pulled her knees up to her chin and buried her head into her knees, her head had stopped spinning and she felt more stable "I'm... Fine... I'm fine" the Maester turned his head slightly, and frowned "she should be okay, she hasn't brought up much" Robb had a panicked look on his face "are you sure?" Elena grinned at Robb, he was worrying far too much.

Elena felt fine soon after "maybe I just had a funny moment "you could have food poising, tell me everything you've had to eat, I must know you could get worse" "Robb you need to relax, I feel fine, I'm not going to die, stop worrying" Elena smiled at Robb, his face was still full of anxiety. "Who was that girl?" "What girl?... Oh Indira, the guards brought her in, they said she was a spy, it's nonsense, but she told me she had healing skills and so I told her to go and work with the Maester." Robb nodded.

Jon started walking towards his brothers tent, he had heard the queen had not been feeling well and decided to pay them a visit. He walked past the Maesters tent "Maester?" A girl came out "he gone to tend the wounded" "how is the queen?" "She was sick, but she feels fine now" "that's good... I haven't seen you here before, what's your name?" "Indira, my Lord" Jon smiled and carried on towards the king and queens tent, he looked back to see Indira still looking at him. He turned away shyly.

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