A swing of a sword

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They had returned to their chambers shortly after Robb's arrival. Elena couldn't believe everything was back to normal again, she had Robb back and she was never going to let him go again "where is Stannis, did he not return with you?" Robb looked up at Elena "He stayed in Kingslanding, he is now the king, just as he agreed I am still the King in the North, we will return to Home... To Winterfell." The word sounded foreign to home, he had almost forgotten everything about it "What happened Robb?" Elena said in a soft tone, Robb hesitated for a few moments, "it all happened so fast, once we were inside the city walls everything had changed, it wasn't like on the battlefield, there were woman and children, families, innocent people screaming, terrified, I went with Stannis and Ser Davos and a few men we soon reached the throne room, that's where... " he drifted off, Elena reached out and took his hand "Joffery had one of his guards holding Sansa with a blade across her throat, Joffery looked terrified.

Jamie and Cersei had already escaped they took Tommen, if they have any sense they won't come back they will cross the narrow sea and never return, Tywin wasn't to be seen either Stannis told me he was fighting with his men, at least he had honour Joffery was hiding, sat on his iron throne while men were dying for him and for what? So a scared little boy could torment the kingdoms, our men soon filled up behind us that's when the gold cloaks backed down they were outnumbered at least 12 to 1, that's when Joffery had no one, he didn't have his mother or his kings guard he was alone, a weak boy I wanted to kill him, everything in my body was telling me to, as I looked into his eyes I could see it, all of his fear, but then I looked at Sansa she was shaking, her face was bruised and she looked so weak... So different. When I looked back at Joffrey all I could feel was hate and anger, I was closer then standing right in front of him, he didn't move, he just stayed still, I could see Stannis behind pacing around the throne room, I knew he would do it if I didn't, but I wanted to... I wanted to kill him, like he had killed my father and tormented and beaten Sansa.

Once I started to draw my blade he knew it was over, I could see it in his eyes... That's when he stood up, "No please I beg! Please have mercy!" "Unhand Sansa" Joffery nodded at the guard who still had her in a firm grip she stumbled behind me close to my back, I hadn't seen her in years she was like another person... but she still looked at me like she used to look at father, that's when I knew I had to do it, one swing of my sword and it was all over... Joffery was dead."

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