Night skys

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That night Elena anxiously waited for Robb to return to their chambers, what would she say? What would she do? One of her handmaidens came in and smiled "my lady" Elena smiled back, she began to undress her into her night gown. When the handmaiden had finished brushing her hair, she soon left. Elena sat by the window and looked up at the stars, they glittered in the night sky, like diamonds.

She was so engulfed with the beauty of the sky she almost didn't hear Robb come in. She turned her head slightly but she couldn't bear to look at him. "I'm really sorry about before" he started laughing. Elena looked at him, she furrowed her brow, then smiled. Robb sat beside her on the window, he rested his head against the stone wall, "it would happen to us" Elena joked. Robb leaned in and kissed Elena's dainty, soft lips. Elena pulled him in closer. They stood up, still joined together by kissing. Elena caressed Robb's unshaven cheeks. Robb's hands held Elena's body close to him, as if he never wanted to let her go.

Robb took a moment to look at Elena her brown hair rippled down her cheeks and past her shoulders. They were both slightly breathless. "Are you... Sure?" Elena barely heard Robb. Elena kissed him again. She could feel the fluttering in her stomach and it wasn't going away, she wanted Robb, she needed him. Elena started untying Robb's shirt, exposing his toned chest, Robb unlaced her nightgown, he picked her up in his strong hands.

Elena felt weightless to Robb as he carried her over to the bed. He laid her down, and kissed her neck, making Elena gasp for breath. He then pulled off Elena's nightgown over her head, showing her naked body to him. Every kiss Robb gave her, every time he touched her made Elena explode, she had no idea what this feeling was. Robb then stroked Elena's thighs still pecking her neck. "I love you" Elena whispered into Robb's ear "I love you too." They were now a part of each other, bonded and nothing could ever break them apart, they loved each other.

Elena was awoken by the cawing of the ravens. She was lying next to Robb, resting on his chest. She still couldn't believe what had happened, all she knew was it felt right. She looked up to Robb who was still in a deep sleep, every now and then his eyes would flicker, Elena rested her head on his chest and tried to think of what he was dreaming about, she wrapped her hands around his waist gently, so not to wake him. And listened to his deep breaths, they comforted Elena she had never felt so happy in her whole life.

A few hours later Robb woke, Elena smiled up at him "Good morning my Lady" "and you my Lord" they laughed with each other. "What time is it?" Robb sounded anxious "almost noon I think, why" "I completely forgot the king and queen have been traveling to Winterfell, they are due to arrive today, I was going to tell you last night but... we must get ready" Robb sat up and started to put his breeches on. Elena still laid in the sheets, she wanted to stay like this forever, she didn't care about the King and Queen but she knew there was no avoiding it.

They were the last ones to arrive in the courtyard, the king had just rode in, and the queens carriage had just pulled up. Lady Catelyn looked at Robb and Elena who had just arrived, giggling to one another, she rolled her eyes. King Robert got down off his horse, everyone kneeled, Robert ushered everyone up, he greeted Ned Stark "you've got fat!" Everyone looked around not knowing what to say. Ned looked down at Robert and raised his eyebrows, they erupted into laughter. Robert greeted them all, and then insisted in going down to the crypt, ignoring the queens wishes. Robb looked at his sister who was smiling shyly at a boy on a horse, it was prince Joffrey, he glared at him coldly.

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