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Greywind hadn't returned, Elena had been taken in front on the king and queen, She searched for Robb in the crowd but he was nowhere to be seen, "what happened" King Robert bellowed, Joffrey was stood by his mother, who looked at Elena with a cold stare. "I don't know... Joffrey wa-" "Prince Joffrey" the Queen interrupted, the King rolled his eyes at her "let the girl speak". Elena peered up at Joffrey who was also staring coldly at her like his mother. "Prince Joffrey, he... He pushed me and the wolf must of thought he was attacking me and protected me" Elena pleaded her lips were trembling.

"She's lying, she set that wolf on me!" Joffrey yelled "quiet boy!" The King bellowed, Joffrey was silenced. The large oak door swung open, Robb entered with Ned. Robb ran over to Elena. Ned looked at everyone stood around, "what are you doing with Elena?" King Robert looked impatiently at him, the wolf, it bit Joffrey, Elena was there. "Did he hurt you?" Robb asked Elena "no... It's just..." Elena didn't know what to say, she burst in to tears she buried her face into Robb's shoulder, he held her tightly. "The girl can go, there's no real damage been done" the king stood up and started to walk away "and what about the beast that savaged your son?" The queen spoke loudly "I forgot about the damn wolf, where is it?" "He ran away, he hasn't come back" Elena said desperately.

"Well then..." Robert said, he turned again and started to walk on. "Kill another one" Ned turned to the queen in shock "no, it's done with shut up about it" the king stormed out angrily. Robb started leading Elena back to their room. "What really happened?" Robb stroked Elena's face which was still flowing with tears. "He pushed me, he said... That I didn't want the wolf I wanted the lion" Elena broke down again in more tears "I thought they were going to kill me, I couldn't find you..." Robb held Elena close to him "it's okay, your safe I'm here now, there leaving in a few hours" "but Ned, Sansa and Arya are going with them" "they'll be safe father is taking his men" Robb tried his best to comfort Elena, but she was overflowing with tears.

Robb heard the carriages and all the horses leave , he was lying on the bed with Elena she had finally fallen asleep they were wrapped up together in the sheets and the furs, keeping each other warm from the bitterness of the North. Robb looked at Elena, her eyes were still red, her cheeks were glowing. She looked content when she was asleep. Robb pulled her in closer and kissed her forehead.

Later that day Elena was wandering through the Godswood she remembered what had happened exactly, what Joffrey could of done, what he was about to do before Greywind saved her, no one had seen him since he sunk his jaws into Joffrey, Elena was glad if he was killed she would of never forgiven herself. When she returned she decided to go and visit Bran, Catelyn wasn't there, like she usually was. she looked exhausted to Elena the last time she saw her, she hadn't left the room since he had fallen. Elena gently soaked a cold cloth onto Brans forehead. He still hadn't woke. She then returned to her room where she found Robb who looked as though he was in deep thought.

"Where have you been?" Robb said in a cold tone. "I went to the Godswood and then to see Bran" "did you take guards with you?" Elena didn't speak for a moment, she didn't understand why Robb was in such a bad mood. Robb was still looking at her for an answer. "" "so even after yesterday, you didn't think it would be wise to take someone to protect you?" "Joffrey's gone now" Robb shook his head in disapproval "seven hells, it doesn't matter, I actually thought you had sense" Elena gaped at Robb. "I do have sense, I can walk around without someone constantly there" "no you can't, if you hadn't of done that yesterday, Joffrey wouldn't of done it and Greywind would still be here" "oh so it's my fault now? You can't tell me what to do!" Elena yelled. Robb stood up and stormed towards the door "yes I can I am your husband, you will do as your told!" Elena was outraged. Robb slammed the door behind him.

Tears of anger were pricking at Elena's eyes, how dare he tell her what to do. Once Elena had calmed down, she waited for Robb to return, he must of been gone a few hours. She felt awful, it was her fault that Greywind was gone. The last sunlight of the day had been stalled up by the darkness. The room was then only filled with candlelight, Elena watched the flame flickering at each breeze blew it slightly.

Elena gave up waiting for Robb it was getting late, and she was tired. She started changing into her night gown, her head started spinning she could hardly stand up straight she leaned on the edge of the bed for support, Elena fell to the ground, bringing down the table with her, it blew out the candle which was the only light that filled the room. All that filled the room was darkness.

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