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Robb and his men had finally reached Dragonstone, Stannis had heard they were coming and they had come across to meet them. Stannis sat proud on his horse "so you're the thief who is trying to steal half my kingdom" his tone was bitter. Robb's jaw tightened "we have come to negotiate with you, we both share the same common enemy, if you help us defeat the Lannisters at Kingslanding, and I can get my sisters back then we will go back North" Stannis's expression stayed the same "I'm not going to negotiate with you, the North is part of the seven kingdoms, you can't be the king of it it is mine by right" Ser Davos, edged closer to Stannis "please, your grace reconsider if we conquer Kinglanding you will sit on the iron throne" Stannis turned to his advisor, he seemed to be in deep thought. Melissandre came closer to Stannis "you should negotiate with them, they are the only hope to defeat them." Stannis's expression seemed to change one she had spoke.

Robb stared at them coldly "fine we will help you and you can keep the North" Robb looked surprised at his announcement. "thankyou your grace" Robb bowed his head in respect. "We should strike tonight, they could already know that we are joining forces" "you're right, we will sail at sundown they won't know what has hit them." Robb and his men followed Stannis, Ser Davos and Melissandre towards the castle of Dragonstone, to start making plans on the attack.

Elena paced up and down the room with Evelyn, she wouldn't sleep, she wouldn't eat all she was doing was screaming. Elena hopelessly tried to calm her, she laid Evelyn down in the crib, she still didn't stop crying. Elena pushed her fingers through her hair desperately searching for the answer. Robb appeared through the door, and looked at Elena, she looked as of she hadn't slept in days. "Let me sort her, you rest" Elena looked at Robb surprised he had returned from the meeting with Stannis so soon. "I can't so this... I can't look after her it's too hard Robb I'm not good enough for her" Elena burst in to tears as Robb held her in his arms "don't say that... You're a wonderful mother, no one said it would be easy did they?" He cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her forehead "you need to rest" Elena surrendered and laid down on the bed, she was soon fast asleep, she was exhausted. Robb gently rocked the crib from side to side and stroked Evelyn's face, then held her tiny hand, he looked down lovingly at his daughter. "You're so beautiful... Just like your mother" Evelyn stirred and stopped crying, she soon shut her eyes and fell asleep.

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