Princess of the North

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Elena hadn't slept in two days, she had barely seen Evelyn or anyone, lady Catelyn was nursing her, it seemed to take her mind off it most of all, she tried to ignore the fact that her soon was fighting, no one spoke of it but everyone knew they were thinking the same thing. Elena stayed in her from most of the time, laying on the bed just staring into darkness, she could still see the hate in Robb's eyes. She had never trusted Mellisandre, let alone one of her visions. But Elena had seen it for herself, she saw Robb, her husband who looked as if he was so indulged in hate, it seemed as if they was nothing left of the Robb she knew. She could hear someone approaching the door, she effortlessly dragged her self up and waited, there was a knock at the door "come in" one of Stannis's guards entered the room "your grace, Robb has returned "Elena felt the fear flow through her "is he okay?" Elena asked hesitantly, "yes your grace, he asks for your company" Elena followed he guard down several corridors until they finally came to the courtyard, Robb had just dismounted his horse, he hadn't seen, he looked up to see Elena, a smile appeared across his face, he started to approach Elena, she ran to him and hugged his tightly she never wanted to let him go. She could feel Robb's arms around her pulling her close to him it gave her comfort.

There was a girl with him, that Elena recognised her long red hair flowed across her face, it was Sansa she had returned, Elena let go of Robb and carefully approached her, she looked up, Elena could remember the first time she had met Sansa she was young and pretty, she had smiled at her and shone her bright blue eyes. But now she was different, there was a coldness in her eye, not to Elena to everything, she was still beautiful but Kingslanding had changed her, she was unsure what to do, what to say. Sansa managed to give Elena a small smile, but it was enough for Elena, Sansa was safe now.

Elena accompanied Sansa to he room, she was quiet, last time Elena was with her she was chirping away about her prince Joffery, how she was going to marry him and be queen and have princes and princesses. Elena didn't say anything she didn't want to push Sansa. She sat down onto the bed next to her "I've been so stupid..." Elena put her arm around her and pulled her close "no you haven't" "yes I have, I wanted to marry him, I wanted to go to Kinglanding and be with that monster, how could I of wished for that" "you didn't know what he was like, you were in a fairy tale everything seemed perfect" "it was... Until Joffery cut off my fathers head, he said he would be merciful" Sansa. Role down into tears "I was alone" Elena tried to soothe her "shhh.... It's okay now, everything's going to be okay, Robb rescued you, your a princess now, a princess of the North" Sansa didn't even raise an eyebrow at that, she seemed broken as if her whole life was over, Sansa cried onto Elena's shoulder all night, an endless river if tears.

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