The Wedding

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Chapter Seven

It was the morning or the wedding, Elena was woken by her two handmaidens they smiled at her excited, then her mother and Sansa appeared to help her get ready. Arya was not interested Elena presumed. Her mother presented to her a lilac dress, it was beautiful with a silver lace embroidery on the front it fitted Elena perfectly, it had short sleeves which rested on her forearms, secured with silver bracelets. After her bath, Sansa did her hair putting it into a plaited bun she tied little white flowers on at the top, Sansa had little fingers and so could do almost anything with hair. "Were going to be sisters now" Sansa said excitedly "yes we are, I suppose" Elena added smiling at Sansa.

It was then time for the ceremony Sansa had left to go and find her mother to attend the wedding with. Elena could feel her heart racing "you look radiant my dear" her mother kissed her on the forehead before her father joined them to walk her down the aisle. Her mother went and took her seat, Elena could hear the excited chatter coming from the great hall and knew than Robb would be in there waiting for her.
She felt sick she could hardly walk she rested against her father who she looked to for assurance, they entered the main hall where everyone turned to look at the bride. Elena tried to look happy, but she could only manage a faint smile.

When they reached the end of the aisle, Robb was looking at her a kind smile it made Elena feel safer. They placed their hands on each other's hand, and said the words "father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger" "I am hers and she is mine" "I am his and he is mine" Robb and Elena said simultaneously "from this day to the end of my days".
"The Stark and the Bridgewater houses have been joined by the marriage of these two young souls."

Everyone was enjoying the feast, singing and dancing, drinking and eating. Elena was approached by her brother Harry. Robb was talking to his mother and sister. "See I knew you could do as you were told, now you must consummate the marriage" Elena looked at her brother shocked she had been worrying so much about the wedding she hadn't even thought about the wedding night, she began to panic. Her brother smiled slyly and walked away to dance with Katherine.

After they had dance Katherine came and sat by Elena who was still scared. "What's wrong sweet child?" Elena didn't even look at her she just stared ahead at her husband Robb, "you can tell me you know" Elena looked at Katherine wondering wether she should share her problem "I don't know... What to do for...tonight?" Katherine understood what she meant and smiled sympathetically at Elena. "It's what you have to do, The Lord and Lady must consummate the marriage, otherwise either one of them could deny it ever existed" "I'm scared" Elena admitted "don't be, Robb is a kind boy he would never hurt you, he has been brought up with honour" Elena was still frightened.

Thomas Bridgewater stood up "well... I think it is time for the bedding ceremony to proceed" Elena looked at her drunk father, a bolt of fear shot through her, Robb who was looking at Elena went and took her arm before the traditional bedding ceremony could begin they started walking towards their wedding chambers, when they reached the room they said nothing to each other, like they were both frightened of each other. They were now alone on their wedding night.

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