In the Trees

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"Your grace, your grace!" Elena's eyes fluttered open, she could see Indira entering the tent. "You've got to come with me... Quick" Elena quickly laced one of her dresses on. "What is it?" "Quickly..." Indira rushed out the tent, Elena followed. The camp was silent only a few guards were wandering around. Elena followed Indira into the trees.

"Indira stop! What is it? We've been walking for ages" Indira stopped and turned around, her face was pale "I'm sorry your grace" Elena looked concerned "what is it? Tell me now!" "I had to your grace I'm sorry" Elena turned she could see a figure approaching through the trees.

"The king in the North has arrived!" Robb got down form his horse "we've took Casterly Rock, we've took their home" Robb shouted "well done, you've been so strong" Catelyn hugged her son tightly. "Where's Elena?" "I don't think she's awake yet" Robb walked into the tent, to find it empty "where is she?" Robb demanded as he walked out again. "We haven't seen her your grace. "She can't of vanished! Find her!" Robb shouted.

Robb paced around the camp, he got to the kingslayers cage, the door was swung open. Robb could see one of the men on the ground. Robb leant down to him "where's the kingslayer?!" Robb could see the man had been strangled "find him now!"

Elena peered through the trees, it was a man his hair was grown over his face, and he was covered in dirt. "So... You brought the young wolfs bride then" Elena turned to Indira she couldn't look Elena in the eye. "The kingslayer?..." he came closer, he grabbed Elena, "what are you doing?! Get off" "what better hostage to take than the king in the Norths wife, we can negotiate a treaty that suits our needs. Enter and seeing as though he doesn't have the 'kingslayer' anymore, it's the Lannisters doing the negotiating".

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