The Iron Price

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Elena had received a raven to tell her that Robb had won victories in the battles in the river lands, he had just won the battle of Oxcross, they had taken who prisoners, on of which was Jamie Lannister.

"Robb is doing well, my lady" Maester Luwin informed her "it doesn't make it easier does it" Elena missed robb, more than she ever thought she would, it was unbearable. Elena went to see Bran, Tyrion Lannister had designed a saddle for him so he could still ride. To no surprise to Elena, Bran was riding he was just in the courtyard, just about to set off with Hodor and Osha. "May I join you, little Lord?" Bran smiled when he saw Elena, he nodded his head, he hadn't taken the news of his fathers death very well, but how were you supposed to take it?

When they returned from riding everyone was in the courtyard, they were all looking at someone. "Theon?" He turned and looked at Elena and Bran, he had lots of men with him. "It's prince Theon now" "what, what are you doing?" "I've taken Winterfell and you will address me as your grace" "you can't do this, your supposed to be helping Robb?" "Do not question me! I am a prince!" Elena was silenced, she turned to see two men dragging Ser Rodrick behind them. His head was bleeding, "Lord Stark took you in as one of his own sons" "yes but I was never one of them, I am an ironborn" Ser Rodrick spat in Theon's face. "I should of put a sword in your belly instead of in your hand." One of Theon's men told him that he couldn't get away with it "lock him in he dungeons let him rot" "no! He has to pay the iron price!"

Theon's face turned pale, Maester Luwin rushed over to Theon "please... Reconsider my lord" "I am not your lord I am your prince" the men dragged Ser Rodrick over to the block of wood "No please don't!" Bran was screaming, Elena held him tightly
"don't look" Bran was sobbing, "I'm off to see your father" Ser Rodrick smiled kindly at Bran and Rickon. Theon drew his sword he lifted it high over his head, he brought it down in a harsh blow, it didn't go straight through, Elena winced at the sight of it, Ser Rodrick coughed up blood it soaked into he ground below him, staining it. It took Theon three more blows eventually chop his head off. Bran watched I. Horror he didn't move he just stared, his tears violently tore down his face. Elena hugged him, but it made no difference.

"Who's she?" One of the Iron islanders spat "she's Robb's wife" "we should kill her, she could carry his heir" one of the men started charging over to Elena "no! She's more use to us alive, lock her in one of the dungeons, take the boys aswell" the men roughly grabbed Elena, Bran and Rickon and locked them in the dungeons.

"Theon has taken Winterfell" "what about my brothers and Elena?" "It says nothing about them" Robb held his head in his hands "if they hurt them..." Robb couldn't breathe everything was falling apart and he was powerless to stop it.

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