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They had arrived at Winterfell Elena rode on horseback by Robb's side, every now and then he would glance at her and smile, She could feel a warm blush on her cheeks each time. "Your home is beautiful Robb!" She exclaimed as she admired the tall towers of Winterfell. Robb looked proudly over at his wife "it's your home aswell now" he swiftly jumped down from his horse and lifted Elena off of her horse.

Robb and Elena entered their new bedroom, it was much bigger than Elena's room was, and it had more warmth and character to it, than hers did. Elena looked around she looked amazed. She glanced over all of the tapestries of Direwolves and other wild creatures. It was then she had remembered she hadn't met Robb's direwolf yet, he had always left him at Winterfell when he traveled to Stonegate. "Where is Greywind?" Elena asked curiously. It brought a smile to Robb's face. "He will be in the Godswood probably, he'll be hunting."

That made the wolf sound like a viscous animal to Elena, who's face instantly changed. Robb noticed 'he's a wild animal, he hunts his own food, but he would never hurt you" Elena soon looked happy again as Robb grasped her hands and pulled her in close. Elena giggled nervously, there was something that changed inside of her whenever Robb was around, he would always erupt a fluttering feeling in the pit of her stomach that made her want more of him. He dusted his lips with hers, "let's go now, it will be nightfall soon."

Elena and Robb soon were at the Godswood, "it prettier that Stonegate's Godswood, everything is... It's all different" Elena said as she walked over the fresh, crisp leaves. "Greywind!" Robb shouted loudly "Greywind!" There was soon a rustling coming from one of the bushes. Elena drew closer to Robb for protection. Two yellow eyes appeared from the dark of the trees, a huge beast appeared, larger than any wolf she had ever seen before. Greywind's thick fur stood on edge as he peered at Elena he trotted nearer, "good boy Greywind" Robb soothed, Elena reached out her hand cautiously in front of the humongous wolf. The wolf sniffed Elena's small delicate hand. Before nudging her with his muzzle. Elena ruffled his ears, she kneeled down next to him and slowly stroked him, feeling every movement in his body, every breath he took, every heartbeat. "He's stunning, Robb" Elena's voice sounded breathless.

The next morning Elena found that Robb had already gone, she wasn't used to being in the room without him. A few minutes later her new handmaidens came in and started pouring a bath. When they had finished Elena sat on the edge of the bath waiting for it to cool she flowed her fingers through the hot, steaming water. She tied her her hair up in a bun, and took off her night gown. She was just about to dip her toe into the steaming water when suddenly the door swung open. Elena jumped at the sight of Robb. His eyes ran over her body, until he realised her horror, "Robb!" he turned away quickly "I'm sorry... I didn't know you were.... Em..." Elena briskly covered herself with her bath robe. She could feel her face burning. Robb smiled shyly at her and left the room. Elena held her head in her hands, devastated at what had just happened she was so embarrassed and humiliated.

(P.S for India the stag!😊)

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