The Feast

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Chapter Two

Elena saw a number of new faces arriving in Stonegate, a man stepped forward, her father nodded his head "Lord Stark it is an honour to have you and your family stay with us" "Thankyou Lord Bridgewater, let me introduce you to my family, this is my eldest son Robb, my eldest daughter Sansa, my youngest sons Bran and Rickon and my youngest daughter Arya." They all politely nodded there heads, Sansa and Arya gave Elema a warm smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you all, this is my eldest son Harry, my daughter Ella and my youngest Elena" they mimicked what the Stark children had done a minute ago and politely bowed their heads. Elena looked up to see Robb looking at her, he looked strong but also gentle, his beard was short but shaped his face, making him look more of a man than a boy but his eyes showed a boys innocence they were icy, like ice glaciers melting in the hot sun, he gave her a little smile, she could feel her cheeks burning and looked at the ground again. "My servants will show you to your chambers Lord Stark and you can rest before the feast" soon the courtyard which had been so full was empty again. Elena had gone to the library until she had to get ready for the feast she was rarely disturbed here and felt relaxed.

"Them Bridgewater girls were pretty weren't they?" Theon said to Robb who looked at Jon and smiled "leave them alone they are not some girls you can have your way with, they're ladies of Stonegate you should respect that" Jon said sourly, Theon's smile disappeared "why? Are they not worthy of such a man, I am Theon Greyjoy they would be lucky to lie with such a man, I'm better than someone like you bastard" Theon said. "They are not yours to lie with Theon, you will leave them alone!" Robb had growled in defense of his brother he hated it when people called him bastard. "I was only joking, is this because you like them aswell?" "What in seven hells are you talking about we've only just met them" Robb said frustrated "I saw you smile at the youngest one... What was her name." "Elena" Jon said "yes that one, well all I was saying is they were pretty" Robb gave Theon a cold look.

Elena was walking through the corridors to where the music and chatter was coming from, she was an hour late but it seemed no one had missed her no one even looked up. Except Robb he had seen her walk in, he smiled when he saw her, politely passing through all the people who were noisily talking and eating. Until she reached her sister and sat down next to her, Ella was smiling at someone, he turned to look and saw Theon smiling back.

After everyone had finished eating people had started to dance, Harry was dancing with Sansa who was blushing and Katherine was dancing with Jon. Elena had grown tired of the feast and had gone onto the balcony, the cold air filled her lungs and gave her time to think "not enjoying the feast?" A voice called out behind her, she turned to see it was Robb Stark she cringed at remembering how red she went when he smiled at her in the courtyard. "No I just needed a break it's really loud that's all" she looked out to the gardens again, seeing the flower beds in the moonlight. "It is a little tiring" he was stood next to her now, and looked out to the gardens with her, "how are you enjoying your time here in Stonegate?" Elena said to make conversation "it's a lot warmer than in Winterfell, I haven't really seen much of Stonegate since I've arrived, maybe you could come riding with me tomorrow and show us around" Elena smiled kindly she knew her mother would never allow it but replied "maybe, I better go back inside they'll be wondering where I am" "may I?" Robb said holding out his arm, Elena linked her arms in his and the walked back into the main hall, she then wished him goodnight and went to her chambers.

On her way back she was caught by her brother "what are you playing at" he hissed as he backed her into the wall, "nothing, I didn't do anything" Elena said trying not to sound afraid "oh really, what were you saying to Robb then, are you trying to mess everything up?" "Mess what up" Elena replied confused, Harry stepped back "Father has been thinking about Ella and Robb becoming betrothed." "So how have I messed it up" "just stop talking to him!" "You can't tell me who I can or can't speak to, I will do what I want" Harry struck Elena's soft cheek drawing blood, Elena gasped in pain, Harry came closer to her and spoke barely audible "you will do as your told and you will speak to who I say you can, have I made that clear or do I have to make it clearer?" He didn't wait for an answer he knew the message had been made clear.

Elena could hear her heavy breaths in the darkness of the corridor the only light the moonlight from the window. She could feel the tears rolling down her cheek stinging the cut on her face. She heard footsteps traveling away from her in the darkness, afraid she scampered off to her room.

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