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Chapter Nine

Elena's eyes gradually opened she turned to see Robb was getting dressed, he was stood in his breaches looking through his chest, for as new shirt Elena presumed, he turned around, his chest was toned, Elena could feel the blush on her cheeks. He hadn't seen her watching him so she decided to get up, she went over to her chest to put on her bath robe. Robb lifted his head up as she moved "good morning how did you sleep?" Elena smiled and said "fine thankyou" she could see her bust lip and cut cheeks in the mirror. As Elena tried to put on her bath robe she shuddered in pain, Robb ran to her assistance he held her arm and helped her put the robe on, he could see the bruises on her body.

As Robb touched her arm Elena felt a sense of security, she shivered, not in fear but she felt a soft tingle in the pit of her stomach which she had never felt before. Lucy and Sophie started to run the bath. Robb kissed Elena on the cheek and went to find his father. Elena sent her maids away so she could bathe. As she lied in the hot, steamy water her cuts and bruises were being soothed, she thought of that feeling she got before when Robb was touching her.

Elena was wandering through the godswood when she found Robb and Jon, practising shooting arrows at the targets. Elena stood watching them until Jon noticed "my lady" Jon smiled, Robb turned quickly to see his wife stood there smiling innocently at him. "I better go and find Theon, I haven't seen him all morning" Jon said, he obviously thought he should leave Robb and Elena alone. When he was gone Robb fiddled nervously with the arrows, Elena picked up Jon's bow he had left and tried to aim it at the target, she had seen her brother do it before, how hard could it be?

Robb noticed Elena trying to aim, she released the arrow and sent it flying about five yards from the target, he laughed jokingly "I've never done it before, it wasn't that bad" Elena said laughing. "Your stance is all wrong, you arm has to be higher" Elena tried again she was a little closer to the target but still nowhere near hitting it. "No, like this..." Robb was closer to Elena now, which made her tense she didn't understand how he could make her feel like this. He lifted her left arm higher and straightened her right arm, he turned her side ways, placing his strong hands on her small waist, his hand was on her hip holding her strongly but gently.

Elena was breathing harder this was the closest she had ever got to her husband, she didn't dare to look up to him, she aimed the bow with Robb's guidance she just hit the target this time "see, I can do it" Elena smiled proudly, Robb was still holding her, Elena lifted her head up to meet Robb's icy blue eyes, he looked at her soft, pink lips and hesitated before leaning in and kissing her gently, Elena could feel the heat from his lips they were soft and tender, making the feeling in the pit of stomach grow.

Robb smiled down to Elena who was blushing slightly, he kissed her on the forehead and lead her back to Stonegate.

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