A Beaten Path

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Elena laid on the cold, stone floor staring into the darkness there was a faint glow from the entrance to the dungeons, there was a figure coming towards them, it started fiddling with the lock, e door swung open, the figure held the candle up to its face "Osha?!" Rickon called "shhh little lord they'll hear us, come quickly." Bran, Elena and Rickon followed her out of the dungeon they were soon out of the gates of Winterfell, Hodor had joined them and carried Bran on his back. Bran turned to look at his home once more before they set off into the darkness.

"We must go to the wall" Elena stopped "no, we need to get to Robb!" "We don't know where he is, the wall is closer" "you go to the wall, I must go to Robb" Osha looked at Elena like she was crazy, Bran and Rickon had a similar look on their face "I'm sorry, I must... Goodbye little lords, I'll see you again, don't worry, keep them safe Osha and you Hodor!" "Hodor" hodor smiled at the mention of his name. Elena took one last look at Bran and Rickon and started walking in the other direction, she knew she was being stupid and she would probably die, but she had to get to Robb.

A few days later, Elena arrived near a stream, no Iron islanders had followed her, she thanked the gods. She took a sip of water from the stream it was cool and fresh. She had no idea where she was, how far she had travelled or if she was even going in the right direction. She could hear voices behind her she hid amongst the trees. She could see two guards, they looked out throught the trees, they knew she was there "come out! Now!" Elena paused for a moment, then reluctantly stepped out from behind the trees "who are you?" Elena gulped anxiously "I'm... I'm Elena" the two men looked at her suspiciously "what are you doing out here? Alone?" Elena's breathing rate increased as she thought hard to think of an answer "I'm going to find, my husband" he two men scoffed "and who is your husband then?" Elena didn't know if she would regret telling them "Robb Stark" the two men looked at each other in shock "we beg you pardon your grace" Elena raised her eyebrows in confusion "what are you talking about?" They looked at each other nervously "you do not know my grace? King Robb was appointed the king in the North last night."

Elena tried to see if they were serious, but there faces told her they were, she couldn't believe it Robb was a king and she was his queen. "We can take you to him, your grace we are only a days walk from his camp" "thankyou" Elena followed them on the beaten path which would lead her to the King in the North.

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