The Lions

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Everyone could then go and carry on with their day, Elena and Robb went riding with Jon, and Bran including Greywind, Ghost and Summer. When they returned it was time to get ready for the feast, Elena picked out a green dress, and wore her hair in a braid, she then walked down to the main hall arm in arm with Robb. They sat with Sansa and Arya who were already arguing. Sansa was then called up to see the queen she was gone for quite awhile. Robb and Elena sat close to one another talking to each other. Arya was bored, she had no one to talk to, Sansa came back smiling she sat down next to Jeyne and kept glancing towards the end of the table. Joffrey slyly smiled back.

The hall was filled with people, Starks, Baratheons and Lannisters, it was the Lannisters though that made their presence more known. King Robert was drunk and flirting with one of the maids, while Queen Cersei's eyes bore into him, lady Catelyn tried her best to make conversation, but didn't prevail.

Arya then shot a spoonful of food at Sansa "Arya!" Sansa yelled. Robb and Elena burst into laughter. Robb turned to see his mother pulling him a face, he stood up "okay time for bed" he lifted Arya up off the bench and hurried her along. Elena then followed, she started walking straight to their chambers, while Robb was taking Arya to hers. She could here footsteps behind her she turned to find no one there, Elena carried on walking a little on edge. She heard the footsteps again she turned to find the prince behind her "your grace" Elena curtsied distrustfully.

Joffrey was closer to her now "so your the new bride" his voice was sly "yes your grace" why was he here? What did he want? "My mother had told me lots about the Bridgewaters, your brothers engagement to some girl from Wedgemore, and your marriage to Robb Stark" Elena smiled shyly "and your whore of a sister, who has disgraced your house" Elena could hear the change in his tone and it sent a shiver down her spine. "Don't be frightened I won't hurt you" Elena felt like her brother was stood I front of her, when he was just about to hit her. "I'm not your grace" she tried to sound strong but only a whimper was heard.

She stepped back, he drew nearer. He rested a hand against the stone wall, trapping Elena. "I'll be seeing you again soon, my lady" he kissed her hand softly, and gave her one last smile before disappearing.

Elena didn't understand what had just happened, why did he care about her sister, or her family? Robb found Elena in the corridor "what are you doing?"
"Oh I was just waiting for you to come back" Elena lied, "I thought you were going straight to the room? Oh well let's go" he took her arm into his and smiled kindly at her. Elena could feel the sense of Joffrey slip away, there was something about him, something evil inside him, that scared Elena.

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